Secret Inner Trekkie Comes to Life ... or Death

Oct 10, 2007 07:21

elsiemonster brought this image to my attention a couple of days ago:

It is a Star Trek Urn. You can get them here. If you go take a peek, the casket is even cooler - they call it a "Photon torpedo" style, as seen in Wrath of Khan.

Can I help it if this combined with my recent re-watching of Next Generation episodes is slowly making my trekkie itch return? There's a model kit of the Enterprise 1701-D sitting in my closet at my parents' house that I've had since I was all of 12, and I kind of want to break it out and actually build the thing now.

Oh, the shame.

PS: Perhaps it's a good thing I've only just missed this year's annual Trekkie convention in Las Vegas. I have plenty of time now to get over this before embarrassing myself by going to the next one.


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