East Coast Trip 2007 -- Day Three (3/12)

Mar 28, 2007 19:41

I took a lot of photos on my trip - almost 400, to be honest, and about half of those are share-worthy. In the interest of bandwidth-preservation, and also because it's easier this way, I'm going to break up the report of my two-week adventure along the East Coast into day-by-day entries for the first week I was gone (Baltimore and Boston), and then maybe one or two entries for my week in NYC. Helpfully, while I was travelling the first week I kept a journal of sorts where I logged in random phrases, names, events, etc. that had happened throughout the day. These phrases aren't necessarily in any particular order - they were written down as they came to me, and sometimes even a day after they happened. I've decided to just write down verbatim from the journal, posting pictures afterwards. If you want elaboration on any of the phrases, you can ask ... but I answer questions at my own discretion. ;)

birthday ♦ numbers 8 + 9 ♦ getting lost ♦ getting found ♦ Congress to Lincoln ♦ McDonald's salad ♦ DC traffic ♦ sore feet ♦ bruises ♦ non-Reflecting Pool ♦ Smithsonian Castle ♦ mistaken for a native ♦ $13 parking ♦ sushi ♦ sticky ♦ long walk around the mall ♦ National Treasure ♦ "It's invisible" ♦ hotel consideration ♦ laziness ♦ Maryland drivers

The Photos:

A whole bunch of touristy pictures:

Self portrait:

Birthday dinner fooding!

east coast trip

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