Sep 03, 2005 08:09
Well well well, not too much has happened since I last updated this thing, but I have been told that I do not update nearly as often as I should so here goes.
School, so far doung fairly ok unless I am currently stressed beyond my breaking point and then I am failing at everything, yes, a bit melodramatic, but I ahve penchants to run that way anyway, my children ahve to get it from somewhere. Chemistry is prooving to be a bit more of a challenge than I was expecting and I really hate classes where my grade is not only based upon myself, but 3 other people, but I guess labs are like that.
Kids, Bryan just had his birthday pary last night and Kylie's was a couple weeks ago. Neither of them had the majority of thier frineds come, but things happen so they learned a little lesson in dissapointment. Bryan and Kylie are both doing really well in school, I am not so sure how Quallin is doing because he does not bering any graded work home with him, Jeff is going to talk to his teacher about that. we are a little irritated at his teacher because he has benn behaved at school since he started, 2.5 weeks ago and because she ahs ot seen him being bad she wats to start him on the transition process back into regular school, we know he is nto ready for that, he has had 3 holds in the last week alone over stupid things like taking a shower. The one yesterday was because he got mad after we implimented discipline because he locked Kylie's kitten in his closet, not an appropriate thing to do. he just seems to be getting more and more difficult and I am reaching my breaking point, there is just way too much for me to be stressing about wiht the kids and school and everything.
Well, by the time it is done my truck will have cost me over $1000 to get fixed, I ahve paid for it and am just trying to get the tiing to get the last few things done, though my mechanic is a bitt iritated because he needs to redo the starter he just did last week, it is making a funky whirring sound and is not starting any better than it was before, there is also a funky metallic clunking sound coming from the same area, I suppos I should let him know about that. My best fried told me an interesting story the other day, she was up there at our mechanic's getting her bettery replaced and they were talking, well he is somewhat of a flirt with everyone who walks in the door wiht a pair of boobs, but the way she described this encounter it seems to have an air of something more. Well they were talking in the bay and he stopped, looked at her really hard and then told her that she looked really hot, she just kinda giggeled said she was (her thinking temperature wise, it was Aug in AZ after all, anyone outside would eb hot) and told him that he should eb careful how he phrases things, someone might take what he says wrong. he grinned at her and walked over and grabbed her butt telling her to phrase that. I know it was probably all just innocent, but sometimes things have a feel to them that they may be more. I think the two of them would be interesting together, they ahve similar personalities...Who knows.
Well, I am looking forward to the rest of my weekend, Jeff and I ahve a room booked at a resort in Scottsdale, not really going far, but it is out of the house without the kids, mom is keeping them as my birthday present. I will get an update after getting abck form ym mini vacation.