Title: Despise
Rating: G
Characters: Sally Donovan
Words: 100
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Why Sally Donovan despises Sherlock Holmes?
Author’s notes: Written for the prompt "despise" at drabble bingo. Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)
Why Sally Donovan despises Sherlock Holmes? With her being a woman, most people assume it has to do with an unrequited love affair. They are wrong, of course. The truth is much simpler. If not for him, she would have been the youngest female DI ever.
There was a rather difficult case she was in charge of with Lestrade away. She handled it very well and there had already been serious talk about her promotion. Then Freak started meddling, invalidating all her assumptions and made her look like an idiot. The next day, all talk of a promotion had ceased.