A retrospective

Feb 09, 2009 02:15

I've finished reading through every post I've created since 2001. It's amazing how much change can take place in such a short time. Even with my last posts in 2007, I feel as though I've managed a massive amount of personal development since then.

If there is anyone still out there who is reading this and knows me, just indulge me for a few moments.

There were times when I was clearly not well. My late teens were particularly painful, laying a foundation which would become a burden for many years to come. There were moments when I lashed out, usually at the ones closest to me. It drove most of you away, and I made sure those remaining soon had no option but to establish a safe distance. I was a self-destructive wreck who didn't really know how to cope with everything around, so I just dug myself in deeper and deeper, shutting all those out around me. I am so very, very sorry. It's a shame that it's only now I realise how important each and every one of you were in helping me cope during some of the darkest periods of my life, I just wish I could go back and express my gratitude.

The rest is quite funny though. I desperately needed an editor, even I struggled to read most of my inane crap. I also cannot believe I didn't grasp the art of subtlety earlier, I wish I could say the same about Irony, but I think 95% of humanity probably don't get it. I blame Alanis Morissette. I will also take this opportunity to apologise profusely for spelling separate wrong in 2005, it will never happen again.

Hmm, I wonder when I'll next do this...

I hope all of you left are in good health and happy with life.


- Iain
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