Fic: Arthur/Eames ficlets for wks 5, 6, and 7 of ae_ldws.

Mar 04, 2011 18:26

Author: darkhavens
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Rating: R overall
Warnings/Squicks: **pottymouth!Arthur, vestiphilia, sexual imagery**

Title: Of Rumor and Innuendo
Words: 200
Summary: Eames has some explaining to do
Notes: Written for Round 1, Wk5 of ae_ldws, genre:Text, IM, Phone, or Email, prompt:Half a bottle of cheap red wine.

Title: Sensory Overload
Words: 400
Summary: Arthur experiences sensory overload in the key of Eames
Notes: Written for Round 1, Wk6 of ae_ldws, genre:N/A, prompt: this image.

Title: Watered Silk
Words: 300
Summary: Eames loves messing with Arthur but he loves messing him up more.
Notes: 'Winner' of Round 1, Wk7 of ae_ldws, genre/cliche:Wanking/Masturbation, prompt:"You have issues".

word count: 101-999, genre: kink (blowjob), rating: r, genre: kink (clothing), genre: smut, genre: kink (exhibitionism), genre: pre-slash, type: fanfiction, genre: established relationship, author: darkhavens, genre: kink (masturbation), genre: humor, authors: d

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