Fic: "Five Continents and Counting", Arthur/Eames

Feb 11, 2011 00:06

Author: darkhavens
Title: Five Continents and Counting
Fandom: Pairing: Inception: Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG
Words: 300
Concrit: Please. If you spot a typo or a grammar glitch, feel free to tell me in comments.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: None
Summary: Eames talks about Arthur's arse and Ariadne inhales a noodle.
Notes: Written for Round 1, Wk 4 of ae_ldws: genre:fluff, prompt:Waking up shackled to a chair.

Five Continents and Counting

author: darkhavens, word count: 101-999, genre: fluff/schmoop, rating: pg-13, genre: humor, type: fanfiction, authors: d

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