A quick and dirty guide to the British education system part 2

Jan 14, 2011 07:19

or why Eames may have read at university and would be happy with a Damien but probably not a Douglas or a Desmond.

The next part in my quick and dirty overview of the British education system. Thank you very much for all your replies, I will attempt to incomportate some of the additional aspects you have mentioned into the guide with appropriate thanks, citations and attributions.

Usual caveats - this is focused mostly on England/Wales/N Ireland University system, I will try and highlight Scotland differences, but I went to Uni in England, so that's what I know. I did go from BSc all the way up to PhD, so I like to think I'm pretty au fait with the academic system, but I did so all at the same uni (York), so as always there are variations I may not have picked up.

I decided to split up the University guide into two bits because it was becoming excessive. I know there are things I haven't dealt with (Undergraduate masters, clinical doctorates, law degrees) but this should cover the basics of degrees pretty well.

Next part will be over University life, University fees (and why students have been rioting) and types of University.

Finally, this is meant to be a high level over-view not a definitive guide - and I am in no way touching the recent changes made because I have no idea of their impact.

On to the guide

type: discussion, type: meta, author: gemnoire

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