Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Author: Lacey McBain
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: R
Word Count: ~6276
Summary: Arthur and Eames have always had an arrangement of sorts: Eames goes to Arthur when he's in trouble, and Arthur doesn't get in trouble. But when Arthur starts turning up at Eames' door with mysterious injuries everything changes.
Excerpt: It's entirely possible Eames' traitorous heart has waited until precisely this kind of moment to blindside him. Arthur-beautiful, competent, untouchable Arthur-seems human and vulnerable stretched out on Eames' sofa beneath his grandmother's afghan, and Eames experiences a rush of feeling for Arthur so strong it stops him in his trainers. He fully expects to find skid marks when he looks down.
Disclaimer: Inception is property of Chris Nolan, etc. I own nothing.
Notes: This story is a one-shot stand-alone story not connected to
the Origins 'verse.
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