Title: La Vie En Rose (WIP)
Fandom: Inception
Characters: Arthur, Eames, Mallorie Cobb, Dominick Cobb, Ariadne, Yusuf, Nash (slight), Saito, Robert Fischer
Rating: PG-13 (May change to NC-17 later)
Word Count: ~9k
Warnings: Language, some violence, mentions of anorexia/starvation, mentions of drug use, non-descriptive suicide, homophobia, m/m, f/m (brief and slight). Extra warnings are mentioned in the tags, so if you feel I'm missing something, let me know.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of Inception, but I wish. I don't own Edith Piaf, either.
Summary: As a child, Arthur is loud, rambunctious, obnoxious, and easily entertained. As a teenager, he is quiet and reserved. As an adult, he is simply Arthur. As a child, Eames is mischievous, rollicking, and ill-mannered. As a teenager, he is mirthless and spurious. As an adult, he is a stranger.
This link takes you to
my journal, where each chapter is linked.