It's Not the Things You Say (NC-17)

Feb 20, 2012 19:34

Title: It's Not the Things You Say
Author: dizzzylu
Artist: adelaide_rain
Type: slash, alternate universe
Word Count: 60,000
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, background Dom/Mal and Ariadne/Yusuf
Warnings Underage sex (past Arthur/OMC), age difference
Summary: Continuing the Cohen family tradition, 18 year old Arthur is about to spend the summer before college with a male mentor, a distant family friend tasked with helping Arthur transition from a doted upon only son in a family of women to responsible college student. Even though they seem well matched -- Eames a best selling author, Arthur interested in editing and publishing -- Arthur isn't exactly looking forward to spending his last summer stuck in a stuffy cabin with an old man he hasn't even met. Once Arthur arrives at Eames' Virginia lake house, that all changes. And just like that, the summer Arthur had been half-dreading doesn't seem nearly long enough.
Notes: Written for inception_bang

Link to Masterpost

word count: 20000 and up, genre: kink (blowjob), genre: au, genre: kink (anal), genre: kink (rimming), type: fanfiction, genre: kink (frottage), genre: kink (first time), rating: nc-17

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