Title: The Reichenbach Falls
Rating: G!
Pairing: Arthur/Eames, in which Arthur is Arthur Conan Doyle and Eames is an American "consulting detective."
Summary: Arthur Conan Doyle takes a trip to London where he meets a perplexing, and irritating, Sherlock Holmes enthusiast named Eames. Will Eames succeed in his quest to provoke Doyle into writing more Sherlock Holmes, or simply prove an annoyance? [This is very crack!fic.]
Word Count: 1157 words
Author's Note: I'm reading The Sherlockian and, being an avid reader of A/E fanfic, every time Moore writes "Arthur" I think of Arthur. What follows is a result of my madness.
Link goes to my Dreamwidth account.
The Reichenbach Falls.