(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 23:40

There's been a bit of a hubbub going on in my area recently --

An art exhibit, a video game where the Iraqi-American artist put himself in the game, is made to explain the other side of terrorism. It took a game where you went after Saddam Hussein and the player played instead a suicide bomber who went after President Bush. The exhibit was supposed to go on at RPI, but the College Republicans (I am still registered Republican, so I'm not blanket-badmouthing Republicans, thanks) apparently got upset at RPI's "harboring of terrorism" and the exhibit was shut down.

A few days later, the exhibit was re-opened at the local Sanctuary For Independent Media. The opening was picketed by the city of Troy's Commissioner of Public Works. In another day or two after the opening, the Sanctuary For Independent Media was shut down on a code violation -- something to do with the building's doors -- the question of which had been brought up to the building's owners ahead of time and they felt they had addressed it, showing estimates about the repair work they'd obtained. They were not told before the show opened that they were in code violation.

A bit of it can be read about at gamepolitics.com: http://gamepolitics.com/2008/03/13/aclu-may-sue-troy-ny-in-game-controversy/

There are a series of more articles on gamepolitics, as well as a few other sites and even a handy-dandy YouTube video explaining the whole thing.
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