Dec 19, 2004 17:05
So I should update.
I'm home, obviously, after a long and harrowing flight. I am not even close to being adjusted to EST, however. This weekend I woke up at 7am on both Saturday and Sunday and couldn't get back to sleep. I was not pleased.
It's strange being home. We kept being warned about this 'reverse culture shock' thing and I knew it was going to happen, I guess I just didn't know exactly what that would mean.
1) Friday night, Long family Christmas party. I endured every single person there asking me in turn, "So....have fun in France?" I never know what to say to that. Obviously I had fun, but that seems like such an understandment. Everyone wants to hear how it was and what I did and where I went, and I'm bursting to tell all about it, but at the same time, I don't know how to without feeling like I'm bragging. I don't want to come off as snobby or bitchy, but some things that seemed okay before I left really don't now, even within my own family.
I was sitting there, feeling akward, when this woman started talking about having recently attended the ballet. I perked up and was about to ask how she'd like it, when she said, "It was horrible! All they did was jump around the whole time. There was no talking - not even any music with words in it! It lasted forever." I kept my mouth shut. For the rest of the night.
2) Saturday night, Syracuse vs. Drexel basketball game, and my first non-soccer sporting event since the lacrosse finals in May. I met Megs before the game, which was great. It was so good to see her and catch up a little bit. During the game, though, I was just kind of sitting there. Not cheering. Barely even paying attention. What's WRONG with me? I love basketball. I agonized over every game I missed in France and sulked all through our last trivia night at the pub when I found out we'd lost to OK State. Yet last night I was almost - dare I say it? - bored. I don't know what's wrong with me.
3) Sunday, Christmas shopping at Carousel Mall. Why does everything have to relate to France? I passed french calandars and cookbooks, counters selling french perfume, pictures of the Eiffel tower, creme brule makers and even a bag of 'crepe mix'. I was near tears.
Maybe it's lack of sleep? Maybe it's the holidays, since this is the first time Stephanie isn't going to be home for them and it just doesn't feel like Christmas without her. I don't know. This sucks, though, I need to get over myself.