Apr 29, 2007 17:25
Last night on the way home from work, I stopped by the grocery store so I would have something for dinner. In a effort to move towards greener living, I bough some organic baked beans. They weren't too bad. I wanted some of the 90 second Uncle Bens Whole Grain Brown Rice. Unfortunatley, there were a multitude of flavors, but no plain brown rice. This is the same store that doesn't have the Amy's Kitchen frozen dinners. It's more convenient than the other Ingles. I can go by either on my way to work. It's a tossup as far as travel time depending on traffic. Coming home there's no contest due to traffic. Anyway, some of the other rice flavors sounded good - wild rice and such - but they all had sugar! Who the heck needs sugar in their rice? It's so hard to avoid sugar. Ugh!
I had thought about exploring SL but opted instead for an evening on the couch watching episodes of the last season of Alias. I decided I was in the mood for scanning some books so I added a whole shelf of SF paperbacks to the database. I want to scan the medieval books so I can upload the list to LibraryThing and tag them with "Atlantian Reference Library". To do that I'll need to drag the laptop and ipod upstairs and lsiten to podcasts while I scan. The paperbacks were conveniently located in the next room. I may end up finished that room first. Organizing things like this is relaxing for me so it was very nice to sit and do that.