The Boneman is a pressing German drama where in a swirling mass of blatant intrigue, we wonder who's the good guy/bad guy. Josef Hader plays an ex-cop (Brenner) who reposesses lease cars. His last assignment has him wandering around a country inn looking for a driver of a repo so he can serve papers and take possession, but it seems he's disappeared. Poof. As Brenner talks with folk who might know the missing driver, he gets into a deeper mess more than he bargained for. The film is filled with twists and turns and everyone appears one thing but may be another. But by staying with Brenner we avoid the confusion and clearly see the plot prgoress. The character development is fine - though I would have liked a bit more background into Brenner's life. The filming is nice, scenes of the cold country side adding to the story flow. Not to giving anything away; the film turns out to be a wild, and oddly satisfying, ride. Subtitles - easy to follow.