Title: Seth Lambert and the House of Sparklypoo (Year 1)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Seth Potter (OMC); secondary characters: Adam Lambert, Harry Potter, slew of other canon and original characters.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings (Highlight to View): Occasional cuss, blatant abuse of the Gary-Stu.
Word Count: 9,816
Beta Readers:
furorscribiendi and
stasiaNote: This is a HP/Bandom (Adam Lambert) crossover written for the
Hogwarts_Houses fest! So much love and adoration to my betas, because without their help this fic would not exist right now. Really. ♥ They are both so incredibly amazing.
It's the universal tale of boy meets boy, or rather, what happens when the tale ends. In this case, Harry Potter meets Adam Lambert. They fall in love, settle down, have kids... And as kids eventually do, theirs grow up and go to school. In Seth (Lile Éibear) Potter-Lambert’s case, normal is a relative term and even Hogwarts isn't quite what he expects it to be.
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