Fic Meme :)

Sep 04, 2011 22:31

Fic Meme! \o/ Ganked from argylepiratewd

Do you read or write fanfiction?
Both, happily!

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?
Ah... Reading, when I was about twelve. Writing, a year later, thirteen or so. The exact years are blur. (Live in the moment! Rah? \o/)

What was your first fandom?

First ship?
JC/OFC. Then JC/Lance or Justin/Lance.

What website do you use most?
LiveJournal, DreamWidth, InsaneJournal, AO3.

What do you think of
It's a conglomeration of all that is truly bad and truly excellent in fanfic. There are gorgeous works there, if you can find them. One of the first comprehensive fanfic websites, or at least one of the first I ever came across. (And what a find! It was so nice to have some place where everything could go and everyone did go.) But fandom (in all its myriad of subgenres) has gotten better at comprehensive sites, and will always thrive on small individual sites. Then performed administrative asshattery, so it has gone down hill over the years. ... And I've gone on rather unnecessarily about it, and could go on further, but I shall stuff a sock in it now. XD

What fandoms have you written in?
NSYNC, Harry Potter, Stargate, misc. dabbling I can't even remember(Jeeves & Wooster, DS9), original, and Adam Lambert RPF. (I'm particularly motivated by that last right now. Though my muses are many any vocal. >.>)

I am not picky. This could take awhile.
NSYNC: JC/Lance, Justin/Lance
Stargate: Jack/Daniel, Jack/Ba'al, Sheppard/McKay, McKay/Ford
HP: Harry/Tom-Voldemort, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bill, Harry/almost-any-boy, Harry/Luna, Harryharryharry, Severus/Draco, Sirius/Remus-Severus-Harry, I have a myriad of fascinations here, mostly centering around AU theorization.
Adam RPF: Adam/Tommy, Adam/Sauli (PLEASE WHERE IS IT ALL HIDING?), Adam/Anyone the man is just hot, okay?, Tommy/Raja, Adam/Harry Potter (Cross Fandoms Over Here)

Any fandoms you would like to write in?
I'm pretty content in Adam fandom. I love Adam. :3 <---this exactly, thank-you, argylepiratewd! ♥

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?
Yeah, naturally. I think they affect everybody whether everybody admits it or not. I always write what I want, to be perfectly honest, and I write it the way I want it. But feedback is exactly that; it's a reaction we, as authors and artists, take in and then we ourselves react to it. I look at what the reviewer is saying and, if the comment is (constructively) critical, I look for their point and see if I should adjust my viewpoint accordingly. If it's critical, I also might sulk for five minutes, but I think we do all get over it. :) And also when something gets a good response I might write more of that something because I see that people like it and it keeps me thinking about it and reviewers always make me think with their comments, and I get inspired and get more ideas to write for it... And so on. It's fun! ♥

Do you use a beta?
Reeeeally not as often as I should. >.>

What ratings do you read/write?
G to NC-17, usually accidentally dropped into the PG-13 area.

What warnings have you used on your fiction?
Dub-con, knifeplay, breathplay, bloodplay, bondage, graphic violence, minor character death, crack, humor abuse, swearing, sexual content, anything I deem necessary.

Do you have any squicks?
Erm. I have many, but they're mild. I can read through almost anything. Watersports and bodily functions are a no for me. I do not understand fisting, and never manage intense violence in sexual scenarios, furries confuse me, extreme chan (though there was this one fic, from ages ago that was impressive. I think it was called Daisy-Chain, HP: Draco/Harry), and sexual humiliation (another fic, brilliantly written, almost killed me on that front, Dark Chocolate, Snape/Harry. Amazing. My masochistic side wants to read it again.)...
BTW, these two fics, if they're up your kink alley, I entirely recommend them.

I love dub-con, because it can be done so incredibly brilliantly. I occasionally love non-con though I usually don't. My preferred non-con is actually dub-con in disguise, so does it count as non-con? (But there's a fic by Blue_Soaring, Adam RPF, Adam/Tommy, non-con. Amazing. Blows my mind. There is a writer who can write any porn and make it glorious. She also has a wicked Adam/Tommy zombie fic. Read it. Read them all. It's smoking.)

Do you Role-play online? If so, what?
I've tried and failed at this aspect of fic. I used to do it with close friends many years ago. It was so incredibly fun. But that's past and now I don't. ♥

Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?
Never. Not only is it entirely thoughtless toward the other person and their creativity and work, it's just fucking stupid. Fandom spots these things, reviewers tell authors, and it comes out. It's a great deal less work to come up with something on your own anyway. :)

Favorite fandom to write/read?
Adam Lambert RPF. Adam is so shiny and awesome, and so is pretty much everyone in this fandom. Certainly everyone I know. It's a happy, frolicky, porny place. :D

Favorite pairing?
(argylepiratewd, you are so much my very favorite person right now. You're stealing my very words with your answers.)

Multishipper, yay! \o/ Adam/everyone. The world is so pretty with Adam/everyone. But especially Adam/Sauli. And Adam/OMC. And my heart has a soft spot for Adam/Tommy, really. And Adam/Harry Potter, as my crossover fic (of epic behemoth doom) indicates (and yes I am working on the sequel! ♥). And Harry/Tom-Voldemort. Jeeves/Wooster, of course. And Picard/Q from ST:TNG. Really also Garak/Bashir from DS9. House/Wilson, Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson, Sheppard/McKay, and Bert/Ernie. Of course, Aziraphale/Crowley, because they have been together almost forever.

Oh, and did I mention Adam/everyone? Because, really.

Favorite writer/writers?
Um. Many?
AdamRPF: astolat; blue_soaring
SG1: Sideburns
HP: Midnight Blue, probably for always because of Mirror of Maybe; batsutousai, who writes epic dark Harry and Harry/Voldemort; Phoenix-catcher for his epic HP crossovers.
HP, SG-verse, AdamRPF, SPN, and more: furorscribiendi, who writes anything and everything and who is absolutely brilliant. We're practically twins, but Furor's simply the best.

And so many more authors I can't remember and also haven't read yet, to be honest. I've been out of the loop of fandom for too long and I'm backlogged on HP and Adam fics like you would not believe. Like a river that's been dammed. :\

How long should a chapter be?
A chapter should be exactly as long as it happens to be. Unless the beta says 'no' and then all bets are off.

Do you write/read drabbles?
Read them yes, when I come across them. Write them, sometimes.

Any fandoms you avoid?
I don't avoid fandoms, I just end up in the ones I'm interested in. Those happen to be ones whose original works I'm a fan of. So I suppose I avoid fandoms by proxy of not knowing their source material.

Pairings you avoid?
Adam/female sort of, usually, okay I did say Adam/anyone so shh, Harry/female usually (excluding Luna). It's a mood thing. Moods, they do change. Frequently.

Warnings you avoid?
Character death, unresolved angst, body-fluid kinks, etc. Reference squicks.

Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is?
No. I read indiscriminately, though friends' recs have a strong influence, especially of late with less time dedicated to reading.

What do you think of Mary Sues?
They belong strictly in crackfic and humor.

Have you ever flamed someone?
No. Flames spout from the asshattery of trolls. If there's truly a bone to pick with someone, there are better ways to go about it.

Have you ever been flamed?
Probably? If so, ages ago. If so, it wasn't (and isn't) important enough to remember. Flames are often much more hysterical than anything.

Also, does anyone have a piece of username html code prettiness that will recognize where a username is from (LJ/IJ/DW) possibly? Hopefully? Or is that a pipe-dream of mine?


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