Mar 23, 2007 00:51
I have set a new record for consecutive hours up. I had to write a paper for Modern Political Thought last night, and I didn't start until after midnight. Then Captain Procrastination abducted me and held me captive for many hours, making me look up stupid, stupid stuff online instead of WRITING MY PAPER like I should have been doing. I finished the paper at 8:00 AM, and there just didn't seem to be much point in only getting 1 hour of sleep. So I stayed up. I was mostly in a semi-hyper, yet floating-out-of-my-body state all day. It was very interesting. I didn't take a nap at all except for dozing a little while I lay on the lawn this afternoon in the sun.
I'm about to go to sleep now and I have been awake for 38 hours. I have no idea what my previous record was, but it was no where near this one. I'd actually never pulled an honest-to-goodness all-nighter before.
So while this was an interesting physiological experiment, I'm off to bed now because my body has begun to hurt.