Awwwww come on

Dec 24, 2006 22:39

Yesterday was interesting.

In the evening Austyn and I went to Wasteland Mall. Lets be honest, the city of Westland is a dump and the mall isn't much better...BUT! BUT! Westland Mall is better than Fairlane.  If you want to die, and you're white, go to Fairlane. You can be assured you will get killed because you are white....but in other news.

So we wandered round the mall then went to Emagine Canton to see Borat. I found the movie to be extremely funny, some very wrong parts, but mainly funny.

Following said movie I had the urge for we drove to Krispy Kreme Donuts where I disappointed....I now understand AJs anger when this happened to him.  When you want donuts you want donuts...and you want them the way you ordered them.   So I drive up to drive thru and order---6 regular glazed, 2 blueberry, 1 chocolate W/Sprinkles, 1 Sour Cream glazed, 2 Custard filled.

After paying and shooting the shit with the guy working the window (who I am pretty sure was drunk) we drive away.  The drunk gave me 6 glazed, 1! 1!!!!! Blueberry instead of the requested 2, NO, I REPEAT NO DONUT WITH SPRINKLES, and instead give me 4 custard filled.

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! I wanted 2 blueberry donuts they are my favorite...Austyn ate the one, in no way her fault---I ordered two.

So that was that....But in the end we had a fun night...even though I got screwed over by Krispy Kreme donuts.  This will NOT stop me from purchasing Krispy Kreme donuts, or even Krispy Kreme Stock for that matter.

If it was up to me---I would have Christmas canceled this year.
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