Mar 13, 2015 23:14
I struggle with stuff. I have always had stuff and I struggle with purging stuff because I am too sentimental. My mom helped me with my first big purge spring of 2013. We decided to do it again Spring of 2014 and then that turned in pot purge and pack since we were moving in April. I need to do it again but my mom is not here to help. And as much as I adore organizing everyone else's life, I hate doing my alone. I have always needed someone to just keep me company, just talk to me, and there is no one here.
So I am going to try this all by myself. I have no idea how long it is going to take but my victories, however smaller will go here. Then maybe I can feel accomplished.
So tonight I did laundry and started to pack away "winter" clothes and I got rid of two shirts and I am taking another to my mom to see if she can fix it. I know it seems like nothing but it seemed kind of big for me, who sucks at purging.
Here goes...