It has been awhile . . .

Jan 30, 2005 00:39

Sometimes in life you get stuck on a certain goal, way of life, or feeling. To the point where it seems this thing is the only thing that has that really makes your life shine. Due to circumstances beyond my control, my north star is no longer in my reach and regrettably I have had removed the brightest star from my life. This has caused me a feeling of great loss and bewilderment. Though, just like the night sky, if you remove the brightest object from the sky, you begin to see other stars shining brightly that you might not have seen before, or you had seen them, you just didn’t appreciate them for their true existence. I just wanted to thank all of the stars in my life for helping show me all the beauty that is still out there in the world just waiting for me to make the decision to make it part of my life.
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