From my books, surcease of sorrow

Jan 08, 2008 03:43

"Of course I have [gone mad with power]. You ever try going mad without power? It's boring, nobody listens to you." - Russ Cargill, The Simpsons Movie

"It's actually a very simple formula for internet content. It's the distance to the screen, over the size of the screen squared times two and a half equals shut the fuck up." - A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, January 7th, 2008

"It wasn't sex that powered human emotion, or accomplishment. It was feeling. Success was to be loved by others; failure was to be scorned. Yet to achieve applause, a person had to risk condemnation. The verdict of chance." - Piers Anthony, Under a Velvet Cloak

"You know what I miss? Darkness." - Bruce Barnes, Kingdom Come

Today was actually a pretty good day. Steven's back from Vegas, and he brought the TV dad swiped from some relative to give to us for Christmas. It's pretty old and weighs about as much as I do, but you can actually see the screen now. Ice skating didn't happen, but that's because the weather turned perfect out for a few days, and pleasant company walking around downtown was even better. I need to work more of that in.

My two books also showed up in the mail, so I'm fairly content right now. Also Daily Show and Colbert Report are back on the air, albeit without writers for now. Still better than nothing. I should head to bed for work tomorrow, but I should make sure things are settled for classes next week and everything.
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