Gingerbread Castle on Display

Dec 05, 2011 14:47

[Video / Action At the Sweet Shoppe]

Geo's Sweet Shoppe Ad Inside )

sweet shoppe buisness

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Action; fortunes_arc December 5 2011, 22:53:47 UTC
[Not that she knows what Christmas is, or why it's tradition includes building houses made of candy, but passing by, Tear can't help but stop and peek into the candy shop(pe)'s windows.]

[Those tiny houses are so adorable ohmygosh.]


Action; eagleofautozam December 6 2011, 00:17:33 UTC
[Eagle smiles at the young lady peering so deeply into the front window. The shop was open so if she wanted to come on in she would be more than welcome. Hopefully, the smile would be enough to convince her of that and if not... maybe the delicious looking candy on display would be enticing enough.]


Action; fortunes_arc December 6 2011, 03:02:15 UTC
[Eventually, with a look to either side to make sure nobody who knows her is around, Tear dips into the candy shop. She had to see the tiny houses up close - the little gumdrop bushes out front were just too cute...]

[Little did she expect the gigantic castle made of cookies inside. It's. So intricate. So tiny. Like a delicious doll house.]

[And in pacing around the gingerbread mansion, caught up in examining the fine little details and - were those tiny people inside the windows - she completely misses the smiling man also in the store.]


Action; eagleofautozam December 6 2011, 03:39:03 UTC
[It was fine if she didn't notice him. Most people went straight for the sweets anyway.
She did seem to be enjoying staring at the gingerbread castle though! It was pretty cute to watch her expression! That same awe-filled look had been on many a visitor's face when they had looked through the windows at the finer details. Who knew you could make icing look like lace and curtains? It really had been impressive work on the baker's part.

So, for a time Eagle went back to what he was doing, ringing out a few of the other customers who had already picked out a couple of tasty treats. When they had gathered their packages and left, that was when he looked back towards the girl. Still standing there? Well, hi might as well walk over and say hello. ]

It really is impressive, isn't it?


Action; fortunes_arc December 7 2011, 00:46:59 UTC
[She's probably made her way around the gingerbread castle three or four times now, trying to spy all the tiny little details. How could they possibly have made curtains out of icing....]

[But at the sound of someone's voice, Tear reacts like a bolt of lightning ran through her. Her heels click, her back snapping straight up, and pink embarrassment fills her cheeks. Can't believe she let herself get caught up in something so trivial in public...]

A-ah, yes. It is. [She turns to face him, still standing like a soldier at attention.] Did you bake it yourself?


Action; eagleofautozam December 7 2011, 02:41:42 UTC
[Oh, but it is fun! Eagle certainly doesn't see fun as trivial. Especially in a place like the City. Any thing to bring a little fun into people's lives and take their minds off the curses and the people they had left behind at home was a very good thing.
When this young lady snapped to attention so quickly, Eagle had remind himself that this was not the NSX nor was she under his Command. It had been a while since anyone had been so formal with him, but it was a touch nostalgic for the Commander.]

No, my job here is more managerial, really. I leave the baking to those who actually know what they are doing.
Can I help you find something while you are here?


Action; fortunes_arc December 8 2011, 02:04:24 UTC
[That goal had certainly been met; it's not the first time something cute had swept her completely away, and she'd only begrudgingly admit that she enjoyed forgetting herself for a moment. She still stands at attention - she's a soldier, not some little girl to get lost by fantasy.]

No - but, ah, thank you. [She tucks some hair behind her ear, just to do something with her hands and not stand there awkwardly.]

Is there a festival of some kind happening now?


Action; eagleofautozam December 8 2011, 19:44:30 UTC
You must not be from Earth either.

[Otherwise she would know about this holiday. ]

It is a holiday called Christmas. People on Earth celebrate it every year on the 25th of December. It is a time to get together with friends and family and exchange gifts to let them know how much you appreciate them.


Action; fortunes_arc December 8 2011, 20:11:30 UTC
[Never heard of Earth before.] No, Aldurant. You?

[But the festival sounds nice. Not that Tear had much family to celebrate with, but she could appreciate that everyone else could. She looked around the store and all it's decorations.]

It must be nice every year. But why do you make candy houses for it?


Action; eagleofautozam December 8 2011, 20:51:12 UTC
I come from a world called Autozam. I only learned about this holiday when I arrived in the city.

[Now that... that was a very good question. ]

I am not really sure how or when building gingerbread houses became something one makes during this holiday. I was just told it was 'traditional' and they would be fun to sell.
Raymond, he is the chef here, it was his idea to make them. I suppose I should really look up more about them sometime.

[He smiles as he looks over the smaller houses sitting around waiting for some one to take them home. ]

I can see why they would do this though. They are pretty cute.


Action; fortunes_arc December 9 2011, 03:35:57 UTC
I suppose it's not my place to question others' traditions.

[Her eyes land back down on the tiny gingerbread houses. They really are adorable - and fun to make. Not that she would know how to.]

They are - [Except she said that out loud. Face turns red.] - really interesting pieces. [Good thing she didn't have any gald on her..]


Action; eagleofautozam December 9 2011, 10:04:40 UTC
[Hm, well... she is new to the City and it is Christmas... ]

Would you like to have one?


Action; fortunes_arc December 9 2011, 21:38:27 UTC
[For a moment she's thrown - Tear blinks.]

O-oh I - [She swallows and gets her composure back.] I don't have any money on me at the moment.


Action; eagleofautozam December 10 2011, 02:51:56 UTC
I didn't think you did. You did just arrive in the City.

But, I could let you pick one out anyway and if you like our sweets maybe you will come back again once you are more settled.


Action; fortunes_arc December 10 2011, 03:13:54 UTC
[A tempting look back towards the display of tiny houses. They really were very cute - but she didn't even have a home to bring one back to.]

Thank you for your offer but - they should go to someone who can pay for them right now. [And have a home to bring it to.]


Action; eagleofautozam December 10 2011, 19:20:25 UTC
Are you sure? You really seemed to like them so much.

[Poor girl. Eagle doesn't know that she is still homeless. ]


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