Badfic curse

Nov 19, 2011 12:45


I can't say that I have ever felt the need to write stories like this before but some how today it feels like something I should try. I hope you enjoy them even if they are only badly written things I did in my spare time.

[OOC: Ok, ok, I know these are really long while every one else wrote short stories... Eagle is an overachiever, ( Read more... )

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video; private; very very placeholder stargathering November 19 2011, 19:17:42 UTC
[ Tyr could hate today. He could hate everything even if that first story wasn't that bad. He's that livid. ]

Don't talk about my curse so casually!

[ Yes, this is what he focuses on; he didn't even read that far, but that helpful line of summary is enough to make his face red from more than just anger. ]


video; private; very very placeholder eagleofautozam November 19 2011, 19:47:19 UTC
Oh? Was that a secret? Since you had posted about it before I didn’t think that it was…

[And if not for the curse making people write things he likely would never have thought to do this. ]

I’m sorry if you were embarrassed by this, but since it is just a silly story I doubt anyone will take it seriously.


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 00:39:20 UTC
That's not the point! [ Even though Eagle's right...

He's still pretty irritated. He can't even say Rita might take it seriously since she's not even there anymore. He goes ahead and tries reading the rest anyway... ]


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 00:43:59 UTC
I’m not sure why I felt the need to add that… the story just didn’t seem complete without it…

[The curse talking again. ]


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 01:00:34 UTC
-I'm not in love with her! It wouldn't be new i--

[ Oh, yeah, Eagle had said something, too. ]

You didn't need to write it at all...


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 01:03:35 UTC
I woke up this morning with an unstoppable desire to write. I might as well have picked a subject like that. Rita and yourself are so cute together.


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 01:04:47 UTC
I- [ what ]

Why are you even thinking of us like that?!


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 01:11:40 UTC

My, that is a good question you have there Tyr. ]

Well, I haven’t seen Ms. Katara around in a while and you are Rita seemed to work so well together… The teamwork you two showed when you were trying to stop me during that curse really was impressive, like you had been fighting together forever. A connection like that is very difficult to form.
But… I am not sure when I began to think you might make a good couple.

[Think… think… ]

This morning maybe?


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 01:17:40 UTC
[ Tyr feels better that it was only since this morning... Although he's still embarrassed that Eagle points out all those things about their friendship and he's more embarrassed he knew what he actually thinks of her. ]

...Then forget about it by this afternoon. We're friends and comrades.


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 01:26:17 UTC
[Oops! Eagle can be pretty observant. Gotta be careful around him. ]

I know you are now, but friendships can develop into more than that. My relationship with Lantis started out only as a friendship.

But, if you would rather not have that turned into a second fanfic… [This word… what is it? ] … I will try to write about something else.


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 01:31:02 UTC
[ Seriously!

And that is too much information, Eagle! ]


Write about Yuri and Sodia! They're obviously waiting to fall in love with each other. More than Rita and I were... Or write about your relationship with Lantis.


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 01:42:37 UTC
[Some one here isn’t very shy, but its cute that Tyr is! ]

I don’t believe I know Yuri or Sodia.

[Writing about Lantis again… well, you might have something there. ]


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 01:50:34 UTC
[ H-huff, not cute! ]

... Base it off my story, then.

[ Eagle could also do that. ]


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 03:08:50 UTC
I am not sure I could get their characters right if I did something like that. But, don’t worry, I will find something else to write about for the rest of the day. Something that doesn’t have anything to do with you.


video; private stargathering November 20 2011, 03:17:53 UTC
Or Rita. [ Unless it's with Estelle... ...Not that Tyr ships it or anything! ]

...But good luck writing whatever you choose.


video; private eagleofautozam November 20 2011, 03:26:14 UTC
[Or Rita?
There is a bit of protectiveness there I think. ]

I will try to find a new subject matter. Maybe… the deities need a story or two about them.
Thank you, Tyr.


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