Memories of hot chocolate

Nov 09, 2011 13:59

[Video / City Café Action]

[The Commander is sitting at one of the small bistro-style tables out on the beautifully autumn decorated patio. He takes a drink from the steaming hot beverage in front of him before smiling and addressing the camera. ]

I had forgotten how much I really enjoy hot chocolate. Isn’t it nice how something as simple as a drink ( Read more... )

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video; stargathering November 10 2011, 02:56:08 UTC
[ Tyr doesn't just get that Eagle has his memories back despite him talking about happy memories. ]

Mm... I think anything that tastes good can do that...


video; eagleofautozam November 10 2011, 03:34:56 UTC
Maybe so.

[Now for a bit on reminiscing since he can again. ]

I discovered this drink last year around this time when Umi suggested if I liked sweet drinks I should try this one. She was right. I think it will become a favorite of mine again now that I remember it.


video; stargathering November 11 2011, 21:36:57 UTC
[ !! ]

So you remember everything now?


video; eagleofautozam November 11 2011, 23:21:48 UTC
[A light laugh which is basically a ‘yes’. ]

I think I do. It looks like my memories weren’t gone for as long as you were worried they might be, Tyr.


video; stargathering November 12 2011, 14:44:41 UTC

[ He's just so happy-! ]

I was worried you would be like that indefinitely...


video; eagleofautozam November 12 2011, 16:52:33 UTC
[So is Eagle! He knows who you are now, Tyr!! ]

Thank you for watching out for me while my memories were gone.

[Now, time for a bit of a tease. ]

Maybe we can try fishing again some time… if we could find some place where the fish are more hungry?


video; stargathering November 12 2011, 21:22:01 UTC
[ \o/

Tyr laughs a little. ] ...Yeah, maybe... I... [ wasn't really trying ] I'll find a new spot sometime.


video; eagleofautozam November 13 2011, 02:56:47 UTC
[Eagle knows now. Tyr was upset over Rita leaving… something now that his memories have returned he entirely understands. ]

Yes, maybe we would have better luck at one of the docks.

[Eagle misses her too. ]


video; stargathering November 13 2011, 03:20:47 UTC
[ Tyr still wears that dumb cute cat-ear hat when he's outside for her-! Only way he actively shows he misses her... ]

Mm... Or we could try going out on a boat together... There might be more out there.


video; eagleofautozam November 13 2011, 03:35:08 UTC
We could. It is possible to rent those, I think?

[He was wondering about those ears, but he hasn’t asked… ]


video; stargathering November 13 2011, 15:18:51 UTC
[ He nods. ] It is. It's a little late in the year, but...

[ He doesn't have to... ]


video; eagleofautozam November 13 2011, 17:32:28 UTC
Do the fish stop biting at certain times of year?

[Its only natural that a cat would want to catch fish after all. ^,^ ]


video; stargathering November 13 2011, 17:35:02 UTC
I don't know about here, but they didn't back home.

[ All cat references all the time with Tyr's hat. ]


video; eagleofautozam November 15 2011, 17:06:16 UTC
Then it wouldn’t be too late in the year for us to try again sometime.

[It is a cute hat. ]

As long as there isn’t ice we might still be able to find fish.

[Some one does not know of ‘ice fishing’. ]


video; stargathering November 15 2011, 19:17:48 UTC
There's no ice on the water yet... [ I don't even know if it ices over in the City! ] We could find ways around it if there was, though.


video; eagleofautozam November 16 2011, 16:05:05 UTC
[Me either. Hopefully the ocean, while cold, wouldn’t actually freeze over! ]

Go to the store and buy a fish? That would be the easiest way around it.


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