4th Wall~~!

Oct 01, 2011 10:16

[ Video or Apartment Action]

[ There had been a time right after the curse when Eagle just did not want to see anyone, but that time was over. He was a little too strong to hide from the world for very long. Besides it seemed as if guests had already found their way into the apartment anyway. ]

I am afraid on this occasion I wasn’t really prepared ( Read more... )

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Action coin_guide_you October 2 2011, 08:05:12 UTC
[There's a furtive looking creature out in the hallway, swishing it's tail from side to side. This doesn't look like any of the architecture that he's used. Hearing a noise coming from behind one of the doors Jaerinerk lowered himself enough to try peering into a keyhole... only to startle himself and fall backwards making quite a racket.]



Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 19:27:30 UTC
[That was a strange noise… Eagle opens the door a crack to peer out into the hallway. ]

Are… you alright? Did you fall?


Action coin_guide_you October 2 2011, 19:45:48 UTC
[Jaerinerk, scrambled to his feet to salvage some portion of his dignity]

I did that on purpose!

[Yeah, sure. Tilts his head to the side]

That is quite some armor you have there-- have you ever thought of upgrading it?


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 19:56:29 UTC
There isn’t a place I have found in the city that has better armor than this.

[Thicker and offering more coverage sure, but lacking the Autozam perks of being mentally controlled. ]


Action coin_guide_you October 2 2011, 21:25:58 UTC
Then you just weren't looking for the right merchant!

[He smells a potential customer.]

Is there.. perhaps.. some kinah in your pocket?


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 22:04:15 UTC
Is kinah the kind of money you use on your world? I doubt you will find anyone uses it here. We have rainbow colored coins instead.


Action coin_guide_you October 2 2011, 23:01:43 UTC

What is this nonsense you speak? All of Atreia uses kinah-- whether the customer is human or not, nyerk!


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 23:22:13 UTC
This isn't Ateria. This is the City. Doesn't it look different than the world you came from?


Action coin_guide_you October 3 2011, 00:37:21 UTC
Quite different in fact. Not like Eylos or Asmo-- I mean-- not like any place I saw on Atreia.

[Not sure where Eagle's loyalties lie. It's best not to mention how he deals on both sides of the warring factions]

I don't want to live in a world without kinah.


Action eagleofautozam October 3 2011, 01:08:20 UTC
[Not sure what the difference is… ]

Its only for a little while. Until then you could try to earn some shiny rainbow coins.

[Doesn’t that sound nice? ]


Action coin_guide_you October 7 2011, 08:58:34 UTC
[The words do little to comfort the Shugo]

Everything I have built and work for means nothing now? ... what am I going to do with all these supplies and materials if there are no customers, Nyerk!

[Wait.... shiny rainbow coins are intriguing.......]

You have a coin to show shugo?


Action eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 20:10:19 UTC
Not nothing. You will be returning home soon. But… if it will make you feel better…

[Here have a coin for your very own. It is the equivalent of a penny but in the bright colors of City money. ]

You can start your empire with one of these.

[Its what he had in his pocket, don’t be greedy! ]


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