[Accidental Video - Open - Backdated to Sunday]
The picture clears, showing a plain undecorated apartment. The video soon refocuses, zooming in on a piece of paper… for the moment left unguarded on the table. The elegant handwritten script can easily be read by all those perusing the Network today.
Naughty or Nice List NaughtyNice
1.) Invading countries that don‘t belong to me
2.) Kidnapping Hikaru and holding her against her will
3.) Breaking Clef‘s leg and stealing his ring
4.) Betraying Lantis’s confidence and fighting against the wish he wants more than anything
5.) Manipulating Geo into starting a business he might not have wanted to
6.) Trying to push everyone who cares about me away
- not being considerate of their feelings
7.) Attacking the Magic Knights
- injuring them and their Rune Gods
8.) Cutting Lantis‘s arm in a battle to steal his sword
9.) Depositing Geo on the doorstep of the people from Cephiro and expecting them to watch out for him
10.) Installing a tracking program onto Lantis‘s Network Device when he arrived in the City
- so I would always know where he was for a future attack
11.) Falsifying medical records
12.) Flirting with far too many people
13.) Selfishly happy to have Hikaru back in the City
14.) Secretly jealous of that version of myself from the other timeline
1.) Polite to everyone - including enemies
2.) Treating Hikaru as a guest instead of the prisoner she was while she was kidnapped
3.) Returning that ring when it was found not to be useful
4.) Taking Lantis in and helping him recuperate from injuries
5.) Attempting to save Kazuo‘s life while cursed
6.) Doing what little I can to try and help others in the City get over their past tragedies
7.) Trying to look out for myself so I am not a burden to others
8.) Willing to sacrifice myself in order to save my planet from destruction
9.) … and maybe Cephiro as well
10.) Gave Lantis a map at the same time so he wouldn’t get lost or stumble into danger
11.) Assisting in saving Umi’s life on a few occasions
12.) Made an effort to ensure Geo‘s safety and future comfort in the City
[OOC Note - Eagle was hit with the “Naughty or Nice” curse only in his case it compelled him to actually write a list of his own, though he intended to destroy the thing without letting anyone see it… so assume this list to be in Eagle’s own handwriting on a small piece of paper. ]