Oct 28, 2008 15:17
wake up: check
go to class: check
eat: check
apply for passport: check
apply for graduation: sorta check.
turn in absentee ballot to the County Cluck: not check
I feel quite accomplished today. I made full use of my little 2.5 hour break between classes and have some time to spare (not enough time to go downtown to the cluck's office though, I'm afraid) Class doesn't begin until 4PM and it's 3:20. Perhaps I should get my homework done?
Maybe. But I wanted to first unveil my devious plans. I'm planning-- seriously, planning-- to travel to the UK for two weeks sometime in Spring of 2009. I'm graduating with a certificate in Business Graphics before then, and I guess this is my small treat to myself. I'll be visiting Matt_Lion during that time, which should be great fun. I've been promising an international visit for a loooooooong long long time. So this is it. This is one of the most solid "long-term" goals I have. I'm saving up some monies, and being quite frugal. I'll hopefully save up enough cash by February of '09, then I'll buy my plane tickets.
*bounces a bit*
I'll probably post more on this at a later time. After this, I have promised myself as another long-term goal, that I'd try my damned hardest to find a job after I graduate... or maybe an internship during spring semester. I figure that it's about time to put myself out there. I've never had a job before, excepting my tenure at the Chronicle. No McDonald's, no supermarket bagging, not even so much as a lawnmower. As far as I've been told, not having a resume to point to is really quite bad.
This will be tough, because I'm going right back to school after I nab the certificate to get my associate's degree. Looking back to my days at the Chronicle, I remember how hard it was to work and maintain good grades in classes (indeed, both terms I worked there and took classes, I failed 50% of those classes). But I think I have a much better drive than I did before, when I was still new to this whole college thing. So we'll see how that goes.
I'm also new to this goal-setting business to. I guess I never really understood how effective it was. It kinda gives you something pretty to look at while you're on your journey somewhere. I have a lot of plans for myself these days it seems. I'm having a lot of fun too. Funnily enough, it's serious fun. Nothing in my life is more important to me than success in school-- except perhaps my bunny, who often takes first priority. :)
After I go to Europe, Things should be pretty straightforward from there. There are some things that I absolutely need to stop ignoring-- like the fact that my PowerBook is slowly falling apart, and needs to be refurbished. Like the fact that next year, I'll have been living with my grandmother for 3 years-- might be time to consider moving out. Like the fact that purchasing food every single day in-transit is not exactly the best for my health, or for my savings.
So that's that.
To those of my U.S. friends that still haven't done so: GO VOTE! I don't want to hear how you don't like either of the candidates. You are NEVER going to find the candidate that suits your every little specific need. Do you think that I think that Obama is the embodiment of a heavenly angel here on earth? Of course not. But everywhere where it matters, his views often line up with mine, and where they don't, I find some room for compromise. So please, vote! DO EET! DO EET NAAAUUUGHHHHGHGH
And I th ink that'll be all. This killed about 30 minutes. so yay. :)
business graphics,