So June 2020 is a very different world than March 2020. I'd been feeling very hopeful as my favorite democratic socialist seemed to be running away with a presidential nomination. I was on the cusp of paying off my credit card debt for the first time in 7 years, I'd just refinanced my house, and was looking forward to finally saving substantial chunks of money, and saving up for projects that I'd wanted to do. All things told, things were looking great!
Enter coronavirus. Well, sort of. The world had known about the virus for months beforehand, as did the leaders in this country, but nobody seemed to act until it was far too late. Literally one of the worst things that could have possibly happened under the inept grip of our current federal administration, happened. And holy fuck did it pay dividends in a hailstorm of shit. I went from a regular paycheck with overtime hours to trying to scrape by on 32 hour weeks if I'm lucky. I could've taken a furlough where I likely would have been making more but given where we're at now, I don't think those furloughed employees are coming back. I think I'm also stuck at having to be happy with the relative pittance I go home with every two weeks... I don't see things getting better in the long term.
So, aside from having a semi-steady job, there's little to be happy about. We're stuck between choosing between an authoritarian fascist wannabe dictator, and a moldy neoliberal corporatist who represents everything that brought us the fake populist fascist in the first place. Thanks 2020, you fucking suck.
Recent uprisings offer one glimmer of hope, however. It sucks that it took one several black man men dying while everyone was cooped up inside to finally open their eyes to how absolutely sick this country still is with criminally racist power structures. Sucks that everyone had to see a man have his lifte snuffed out for nearly 9 minutes before they finally got the hint. Riots broke out, buildings burned, statues crumbled, and police went apeshit and started rioting against the people who pay their taxes. It's been horrifying to witness, but this is the enema that this country absolutely needed. Finally we have our criminal police forces on the ropes, and the criminal in DC hiding in his bunker. The people are finally realizing where the real power lies, and it's in numbers.
'But what about all the property damage?!' Fuck off. Human lives are more valuable than fucking property. We've enacted more change in three weeks than we have by electing shitty politicians into office. Hilarious montages of Christopher Columbus toppling down continues to amass, in addition to the monuments that we had to racists. It really does add a silver lining to this viral hellscape in which we are living.
Let's watch the city burn the world
So how am I doing?
Angry. And I probably will be for a while.