Apr 25, 2006 10:15
ok, the doctor told me there are 6 major types of cancer, and he did blood tests for 3 of them. I passed with flying colors. No cancer so far. He is sending me to the hospital to test for the other 3 types, I am crossing my fingers.
He also checked my cholesteral level. My normal range is supposed to be Triglisorides at 146 or below, they tested at 1126, so he also wants me to fast before going to the hospital, and have them take the same test.
As far as the sleep apnea tests? Well I tested posative. Extreme Apnea. After talkig with the doctor, he said that I have cancer like symptoms, and that the apnea could be causing these symptoms in me, They are in the process of getting the full details, and setting up a machine for me now. He also said that I would begin to feel a difference immediately.
He is worried about the cancer because every person on my mothers side of the family has had a bout of cancer, and so have I, and he wants to rule out all possabilities.
Bacondiva has been the bomb the last week, I have truly enjoyed myself in her company. I sat down with her a week ago, and told her all my goals if everything went alright, what my plans were and how I wanted her and littlebit to be there in those plans. It was like a breath of fresh air and she grabbed on with both hands.
Today I am still fighting my illness, and missed another day of work, begging for this machine to get here and praying it will work. Bacondiva is starting to become more unsettled again as bills begin to come due, my checks being short because of sickness, and her not getting payed for work at all.
Once this machine comes, if it is the magical potion they say it is, I will be back on track, making the money needed to take care of a chunk of the bills, and on July 1st I'll be getting a good raise, that will help us even more, but the fear is still in her eyes.
She doesnt post in here anymore, using some other journal avenue I think, or just being quiet, so I dont get to see the part of her thoughts she can't share verbally, and be able to tell her in writing that it will be ok, we will make it. There's no blame for her needing her privacy, just no connection to a medium she introduced me too.
I love her, and I know she knows it, and she loves me too and I know that as well. I just fear the future a bit I guess.
We went to a Beltane Ball last Saturday and had the grandest time. Usually she would have typed about it, but since she didn't I just thought I'd pass that along to the friends of hers that are interested in that kind of thing.
She has been by my side this last week in a way that has fulfilled dreams, and I am happy for that. Now to face the rest of the real life issues that are forthcoming.