Aug 01, 2005 23:24
Some time has passed since I last went on this. Over a month i think... which I would think you guys that are reading this would expect of me, cause I only update from time to time. Less then a month before I head back to western... I can't wait, but at the same time I can. I miss my rebelious college, and my friends that I havn't seen all summer, not having to work and wake up early every day, and the fact that there is always something going on... but at the same time, this summer has given me reasons to miss being here in Troy as well. Meeeeee? saying I'm going to miss things in Troy, what in the world has gone over me. Well the largest reason is I have a girlfriend now and I'm not looking to leaving her. I have a great time hanging out with her and seeing her and I don't want that to stop. The other thing is when I get to school, everything is on my shoulders. I'm used to not having the parent or home safety net under me to be there if I fall, but having it there for the summer then leaving again takes a little bit to get used to again. But western... oh how I miss thee, best choice of my life deciding to go there. And in the winter BEST FRIEND will be there!! WOOOO! Work is almost over... I hope... I was hoping to get the next shipment of documents in... but no such luck today, maybe tmw. I instead got to do heavy lifting today... wooo... I think they are trying to get every last bit out of me before I leave. Its like come on! All i want is some vacation time... anything... I went from studying for finals, to finals, right to work, and damn is it taking effect on my body and mind. I have no motivation for work, I get home and I feel dead, work shouldn't do this to you. Yes yes I know, everybody says thats why its called work. But thats stupid, you should love what you do. We have to work for so long, if you don't love what you do then your going to be living a hard live. I worked around and I found something I loved to do at the special ed school the past two summers, I wish I would have gone back this summer... but that is why i'm going into special ed. Went to Warp Tour yesturday and I actually had a great time, I didn't really think I would. Its really not my kind of music, especially with as much smack as I talk to dennis about it. From what I saw of Fall out boy... they are grossly overrated and suck live. I saw no heart or soul come out while they were playing, and if you couldn't get it with that crowd then you have to be doing something wrong. I'm not going to lie, I was completly lost when the Mosh pit started for Atreyu, beyond belief. Come on, I listen to Dave and OAR... the OAR concert got pretty cool, but not mosh like this just a huge amount of people in a little tiny area so crowd surfing was everywhere. This was fucking nuts, but afterwards I have never felt so released of stress and anger in my life. (and after getting hit in the head with bottles, I fucking needed it) See a kid, push a kid... just like we used to do back in the day in Football. And the energy that came out of that place was crazy man. Stephanie lost her sandals, I almost lost my hat and glasses, got lucky in both cases and somebody grabbed them for me. Even in the midst of a pushing and elbowing contest people lended a hand... crazy. Hung out with Best Friend tonight, she wasn't doing too good this morning... damn hospitals... We watched Anchorman, quality movie had been a little while since I last saw it. Well I'm out, Later