Excerpt from a conversation with a far flung friend:

Dec 17, 2008 21:59

You know what I think? We enjoy what we have when we have it. Yes, distance does the suckage, but there will be the caring and emotions that will carry the distance. Gods, I sound like some fucking hopeless romantic *barf* I told myself not to be a hopeless romantic anymore, just a regular dyed in the wool romantic *smirk*

I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and that has caused my heart to be broken so many times. Yes, my heart has hardened *snicker* that's just the glue trying to set... or maybe cement to get the pieces back together! LOL

Yes, my heart is a bit harder than it used to be, but that is the result of many years of rejection, heartache, loss, and getting fucked over so badly that I wished I could just cut my heart out of my chest and never feel anything again. But I'm also trying to look at it this way... if Nietzsche was right, and what does not kill us makes us stronger, then I have the strongest heart in the world... and it's not that it's hard, but MUSCULAR! LOL

So, I have a strong heart that feels weak sometimes. Just loneliness I suppose, so until I do find someone who is 1. local and 2. able to look past the surface, I will hang out with my friends here. In fact, I'll go see if Captain Morgan is up for some company! LOL
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