Oct 02, 2004 22:20
I saw Super Size Me yesterday. And no I didn't get convinced never to eat fast food again, even tho it's really horrible for you. I'm just not that disciplined. Sometimes you're tired and it's late and you want to eat something good. And it's there. And it's cheap.
But ya know what it did do. It made this turning point for me like...I realized you know how every time they ask him if he wants to super size he has to say yes? Well I decided to make that decision in the opposite way. Every time I have a healthier option, I'm going to take it. I'm not a good diet person because I never care enough to keep up with it, and I'm always so busy and I get that horrible problem after a crazy day of thinking, "You deserve this." Deserve what? It's not logical! If you've had a really busy day, you deserve one thing: relaxation. Sleep. If you've had a really starving day, you deserve food.
Like, things need to balance out in my life. And I know I sound pretty ridiculous but it's true. So I'm just going to take the healthier route whenever it's offered, and the natural route instead of the processed one. But oh believe me I will still indulge once in a while...I just think it would be a good idea to learn how to eat good stuff that's also not necessarily bad for you. I was completely on top of that today, and I plan to continue even with the craziness of the week.
And I want to learn to cook this summer so I am not forced into the fast food (including things that are microwaveable) situation when I am not eating at dining halls or at my parents' house.
I got these awesome pretzels. They're pumpernickel & onion organic pretzels by Snyders. They are incredible, and I'm not even the biggest pretzel fan.
Now about things that don't involve food! hahaha. Me and Jen are making a CD. It may take us all year but we're doing it. Because we often sing randomly. So we decided that when the random singing strikes we should record a song. Our first track is called "tuna sausage phenylalanine death." Yeah did I mention we're slightly deranged?
I'm just happy. I'm busy, but I'm happy. All the stuff I do, it gets done. This week will be a little crazy but that's alright, I know everything will get done no matter how late or how early I have to be awake.
I interviewed Henry Rollins last week. That was cool!!!
I have a lot of motivation with Traffic mag b/c I'm one of the people in charge. It makes me realize that I really do love writing and everything, because I'm just overflowing with ideas for it, and I'm hoping some of the new people pick up on that and feel that way too. I love the feeling of having control over something. The direction of this thing can be changed by me. I can make it good. I can make it suck. If I walk out on it, everyone would still handle it, but I can CHANGE it and make it something really cool in my opinion. And it all sounds cocky, but I just really feel good about it. I like when things are still at a point where they can be created. I love anything that asks for my creativity. When it doesn't, I get really blocked up and inhibited. If I know someone else is going to determine whether an idea gets used or not, I feel like I have to make it what they want...and it's just so cool that with traffic there is none of that- and likewise, I don't plan on inhibiting anyone involved. If they have an idea, unless it's like...completely not related to the mag, they can do it. Because I think the best writing is done when you're really interested in your topic. When you picked it.
I'm listening to Yes. Those guys are just amazing. Their music is so strange but it's gorgeous...the lyrics are so out there. It just sounds right. If that makes sense. It sounds like it should exist. Which is a good thing, and probably doesn't make sense to you, but it does in my head. Haha.
I think I'm going to check out the laundry situation, because I have a lot of that to do and I'm obviously not getting any work done! Tomorrow will be worky day.
Worky McSmirky, if you will.
...the day's divinity