Forever (Esca/Marcus, NC-17)

Oct 17, 2012 23:10

Art Prompt Title: Untitled
Art Link: Art Master Post
Artist: Beederiffic
Warnings: Possibly NSFW (nudity, non-explicit)

Fic Title: Forever
Author: twowritehands
Pairing(s): Esca/Marcus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20k+
Warnings: Highlight to read -- Physical violence, injury and bodily harm, minor character death

Summary: AU -- To get away from the world, Marcus buys a cabin in the Highlands of Scotland. He wants a quiet life. Then he rams into Esca, a fierce, sparkly fairy king who can be human-sized (he's normally a thumb portion) for only one night a month. They strike up a bizarre relationship...

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