You're My Croissant (Esca/Marcus PG)

Oct 19, 2012 21:11

Art Prompt Title: Golden Eagle Bakery
Art Link: Art Master Post
Artist: dombihugi
Warnings: None

Fic Title: You're My Croissant (Livejournal) You're My Croissant (AO3)
Author: moushkas
Pairing(s): Marcus/Esca
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6195
Warnings: Some rude language

Summary: Every morning Marcus Flavius Aquila watches the mysterious Esca pass by the 'Golden Eagle Bakery'. He dreams of what their lives could be together but never has the courage to actually speak to the man. With a little coaxing from his Uncle, Marcus finds his own way to tell Esca exactly how he feels.

master post

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