There was a bunch of stuff I was gonna talk about... but now I'm too lazy. Buh. Dx
I'll be quick then.
-Finally saw The Dark Knight. LOVED IT. <3 <3 <3 (Kicked even more ass seeing it with mah long-lost posse.)
-Giving an informative speech for my public speaking class soon. ON COSPLAY. 8D (Visual aid = me in costume! Woohoo! ...Shit, now I realize how nervous I am about that.)
-Currently working on the musical "She Loves Me." I am SO glad to be back at NCRT. I loves mah little NCRT so much. <3
-Fantasizing about Fanime '09. (And contemplating possible costumes.) Big surprise.
That is all.
Also, watch this if you need a laugh. <3
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