From Twitter 01-14-2011

Jan 15, 2011 02:08

  • 01:04:13: Just flipped to a movie showing on FX and OMG, it's a young Bruce Greenwood!
  • 01:10:02: Oh, it's Double Jeopardy. Bruce is dead now. Dx
  • 01:10:41: Annnd, the chick just put her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. Smart.
  • 01:14:03: Never seen this movie, but I'm not gonna watch the whole thing. I'll just go visit my friend wikipedia...
  • 01:17:08: OHOHOHO, BRUCE IS EVILLL IN THIS MOVIE. More tempted to watch the whole thing now just for that, but I'll probably pass. Night all!
  • 08:48:02: @ renkris LOL, YES. That's one of my favorite recent quotes from him. XD
  • 09:06:53: Man, I hope more people post some TOS episodes/characters on @startrekland's 20 Q's challenge. I won't be able to guess anything else. :/
  • 09:18:11: DANG IT. Dx
  • 19:04:56: @ RoseOfSummer Lol, you and your corned beef. XD

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