Eight pages-o-faith. DONE. x_O;;

May 07, 2008 01:26

So I just finished writing my religious autobiography for my world religions class about half an hour ago. WOOT.

And tomorrow I'll write my final journal for my non-Western lit. class. :3

And THEN I'll go to school and take my final religions test, which I will hopefully PASS this time around. XD Because if I don't get at least a "B" on that sucker, I will most likely F-A-I-L the class. (DO NOT WANT.)

So yeah.

We'll see. >_>;;

Only 17 days, 22 hours and 33 minutes until Fanime Con '08! :D

(Thought I would forget because of some test, hmm? I think not! XD)

school, exam

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