Fic Masterlist

Aug 01, 2020 15:49

This is a list of all fanfiction I've written that I have posted on LJ. (Guess I just finally felt the urge to have one, hehe.)

Right now this list is all Star Trek fics. If the urge strikes me later, I will post links to some of my older work over on; that stuff is mainly Gundam Wing with a side of other anime and video game fandoms, but if there is enough interest expressed I will bring them over here. :D

Thank you for your time and enjoy. <3

Fic Masterlist


Slash Fics

The Chase
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Humor/Romance; graphic sex, PWP
Word count: 6000+
When Pon Farr strikes, Kirk uses it to his advantage and leads Spock on a wild chase throughout the Enterprise. An unimpressed McCoy is caught in the middle of it all.
[Originally a prompt fill for the STXI Kink Meme]

We'll Walk In Ecstasy
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Drama/Romance; graphic sex
Word count: 25,000+
An alien anomaly changes Jim in a way no one could have predicted. His relationship with Spock is ultimately put to the test. Vulcan!Kirk. Plot reverse of "The Chase."
[Now with fanart by the lovely tealeyed_quatre! <3]

Follow Your Bliss
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Romance; graphic sex, PWP, smut (extra warnings listed in fic)
Word count: 2800+
Companion fic to "We'll Walk In Ecstasy." It's day five of Kirk's impromptu Pon Farr. Let's see how the two lovebirds are doing. Vulcan!Kirk.

NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Romance; graphic sex, fluff and sap, PWP
Word count: 800+
Initially Jim isn't sure how he feels about being handled like some kind of priceless, breakable treasure - it's so far from what he knows. But then Spock kisses him and sweet gods of mercy, he is home.

How Many Licks
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Romance; graphic sexual acts, PWP
Word count: 1400+
Spock gives Kirk a tongue bath.

Jewels of the Flesh
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Romance; graphic sexual acts, erotica/kink, PWP
Word count: 2700+
Spock is captured during an away mission. After recovering him, Kirk discovers that his mate's ears have been pierced. Inevitable sexytimes ensue.

The Male Vulcan in Mating Season
NC-17, Kirk/Spock; Humor/Romance; graphic sexual acts, PWP
Word count: 5800+
Six places in which Spock tried to make it with Kirk, and the one time and place Kirk finally got the hint and decided to help out.
[Originally a prompt fill for the STXI Kink Meme]

Gen/Friendship/Pre-Slash Fics

The Blossoming
PG; Friendship; light swearing, fluff
Word count: 1600+
Five revelations Spock discovered about his relationship with Doctor McCoy.
[Written for a startrekland challenge]

Shore Leave
G; Friendship; fluff
Word count: 900+
Chekov makes himself comfortable on the first day of shore leave.
[Originally a prompt fill for the STXI Kink Meme]

Among Friends
PG; Friendship, Hurt/Comfort; fluff
Word count: 2000+
When McCoy has a disastrously rough day, Kirk and Spock come to the rescue.
[Originally a prompt fill for the STXI Kink Meme]

Never Too Late
PG; Friendship; LOADS of fluff, mentions of past emotional child neglect
Word count: 6000+
Also known as, "Five times Spock thought no one was looking, and one time he knew he was caught." De-aged/kid!fic.
[Originally a prompt fill for the STXI Kink Meme]

What We Remember Forever (timestamp side-series to Never Too Late)
PG overall; Friendship/Family; occasional swearing, implied past emotional child neglect, FLUFF
A series of snippets and drabbles further detailing Jim's experiences during his "second childhood." De-aged/kid!fic.
[NOTE: The snippets are written in no particular order, therefore no chronology is intended if they are read in posting order. Extra warnings are listed in each individual snippet. Just so you know!]
    A Sign of Happiness [G] Jim makes a discovery while wrestling with Spock in the gym.
    Beginnings [G] After learning the truth of his captain's childhood, Spock makes a decision and begins to coax Jim out of his shell.
    Heartbeats [G] When Jim joins him during a break from work, McCoy learns something about Spock.
    Acceptance [G] Trouble brews and tension rises when the Enterprise takes a brief mission to transport a bigoted ambassador.
    The Art of Play [G] Jim spends the day playing with Scotty.
    Bath Time [G] Jim, and incidentally a couple of others, takes a bath.
    Gifts of Childhood [G] Jim spends the afternoon with Chekov. Inevitable cuteness ensues.


Comments of whatever nature - be it feedback, criticism, or ideas/requests - are more than welcome here. <3

fic masterlist

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