FIC: We'll Walk In Ecstasy [7/7]

Jul 28, 2010 02:15

Title: We'll Walk In Ecstasy
Fandom: Star Trek (XI)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Total word count: 25,049 (this part: 2,790)
Summary: An alien anomaly changes Jim in a way no one could have predicted. His relationship with Spock is ultimately put to the test. Vulcan!Kirk. Kirk/Spock. Plot reverse of "The Chase."
Warnings: Swearing, some OOC-ness, graphic/explicit sex.
Notes: The final part! Thanks to everyone who bore with me from the start, and to those who have yet to read the entire thing. Enjoy the last bit! :D

(And expect a, ah... steamy side-fic in the very near future. X3)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6


The Pon Farr continued on for seven days. Spock theorized that the drive’s length was a direct result of the previous events - namely, Spock’s prolonged lack of action. Jim’s unexpected Time progressed in a way not unlike the visual image of a bell curve: his temperament gradually shifted over the following days, and their gentle lovemaking soon became the rougher, more primal act of mating. Approximately halfway through the fourth day Jim started to calm, and their sexual activity progressively gentled until it became slow and sweet once more. When Spock needed use of the lavatory, Jim allowed him to get up, but only if he could maintain visual contact at all times; when Spock was hungry, Jim fed him, making use of whatever foodstuffs he could get from his personal replicator; and when they both tired, they slept, Jim curled around Spock like a contented lion after a feast.

It was precisely at that halfway point on the fourth day that Spock began to contemplate the very real possibility of his own Time. He did not truly know if it would ever occur, but at this time Spock found that he would not mind terribly if one day it did, not when he could see for himself just how it was affecting both Jim and himself.

Even at his roughest, Spock could feel the underlying pulse of deep affection coursing through Jim’s body. His being was alight with fire, with passion, overtaking them both as he entered Spock again. The sheer level of Jim’s affections and emotions was irresistibly engulfing - violent, even - and it’s then that Spock realized yet again just how huge of a misunderstanding had been made.

After all, it was only natural that Vulcans viewed all emotional outbursts as generally violent in nature… even if all it really was in fact was an inordinately huge manifestation of love. Spock had not been lied to in his younger years; he had merely been… misinformed.

At the peak of his ferocity, Jim was slamming repeatedly into Spock from behind, nearly jarring Spock off balance with each thrust. The half-Vulcan did what he could to stay upright, his wrists currently tangled in strips of the bed sheets as a result of Jim’s present possessive streak. The friction was delicious, both rough and smooth at the same time and unlike anything Spock had experienced before. His unrestrained whimpers and moans were muffled by the two fingers Jim had thrusting in his mouth, sliding repeatedly over his pliant tongue. Jim’s remaining hand fisted itself in Spock’s hair at the base of his neck, fingers gripping the black strands not hard enough to cause pain, but with enough hold to keep Spock steady as he plowed into him.

Spock’s penis swung helplessly between his legs, his body receiving direct stimulation only from the occasional hard strikes to his prostate. Jim was close to the edge, his rhythm becoming more erratic. Spock suddenly moaned around Jim’s fingers, a long, keening sound, and clenched himself hard around his mate.

A choked noise was his only warning before Jim came fast and hard inside him.

The hand in his hair suddenly released, and soon Spock’s cock was taken into warm heat. Eyes growing wide, he bucked with abandon into the tight embrace.

Heated breath puffed on his neck just before teeth bit down gently onto it. A tongue glided over the tip of his ear.

Spock was close, so very close, and he wasn’t fully overtaken until Jim leaned over him and spoke to him in a tired, husky voice.

“I love you.”

White fire ignited in his eyes, and he clamped his mouth down over his mate’s fingers and came.


At some point on the sixth day, Jim apparently came to a realization of his own.

“Do you think she knew?”

It took Spock a moment to register the words, but he returned rather quickly to himself once he realized that Jim was no longer bouncing him on his cock.

“I… I beg your…” It was hard to talk when his prostate was being pushed upon in just the right place. “…What?”

“The empress,” Jim said from his reclined position on the bed. His tone was contemplative, but his hands rested firm in their hold on Spock’s trembling hips. “When she had me drink… do you think this is what she meant for to happen?”

Spock wriggled in vain where he sat on Jim’s lap, arms and hands bound behind him by his blue science tunic. “I do… not-”

“It’s just…” Jim continued, evidently oblivious to his mate’s plight, “if Pon Farr is kept under such tight Vulcan secrecy, how exactly did she-”

“Jim,” Spock spat out, trying to sound as authoritative as possible despite his current position. “I am pleased to see that you are regaining yourself, but if this conversation could be postponed to another point in time…”

Blue eyes blinked twice before slanted brows furrowed and a sheepish grin appeared on his mate’s face. “Oh. Sorry, Spock.”

“That is quite alr-”

His sentence died abruptly as Jim bucked his hips up.


When Spock woke on the morning of the eighth day, he was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. He felt Jim awake beside him, caressing a hand gently over his shoulder. Spock buried his face deeper into where it resided against his mate’s chest, unwilling to completely rouse himself.

At the swell of calm surrounding them, Spock could tell that the mating drive had dissipated. It was an admittedly different sensation considering the rather chaotic atmosphere that had surrounded him for the past week, but he took in a breath and reveled in it, content to simply lie and rest with Jim; it was not unlike their previous conduct before Jim’s rather sudden transformation into a Vulcan.

Spock slipped a hand down Jim’s side with the intention of feeling his heartbeat - something he admitted to have started taking pleasure in during what brief periods of rest he and Jim partook in the past number of days. When he pressed his hand into the spot below Jim’s ribcage, however, it was met with silence.

Only then did he realize that Jim’s heartbeat had been resonating in his ear the entire time.

Spock shot up into a sitting position, blatantly ignoring the sharp and sore pain that rocketed up the base of his spine. All he could focus on is Jim, whose bright eyes were gazing up at him with a mixture of adoration and hesitation.

“Morning, Spock,” Jim offered, hand still resting carefully on one of Spock’s shoulders.

“Jim…” Spock’s eyes traveled over the now rounded ears and took in the softly pink-tinged skin of his bondmate. He reached out to lightly trace one of the dark, curving eyebrows. “You’re… You are not…”

“Nope, all human now,” Jim said, mouth curling into a small grin. “Disappointed?”

Deep in his mind Spock knew that Jim was only joking, but he could not stop himself from attacking that single word regardless. “Never,” was his swift response. “As I have said before, Jim, you are pleasing in any form. However, I do believe it is those qualities that make you distinctly human that drew me so to you in the beginning, and that continue to entice me now. If I had to choose a more favored form for you… I would choose this one always, as it is genuinely, truly you.”

Jim was silent, no doubt absorbing the unexpected words. His grin softened into a genuine smile and he reached up to Spock, who leaned into him without vacillation. Jim did not say anything in return, but then he didn’t need to - Spock could feel the heartfelt sentiment already blooming through the bond. Spock’s hand slid over to rest above Jim’s heart, and he could feel glistening sweat on the human skin.

“Perhaps you should decrease your room’s temperature,” he suggested softly.

“Perhaps I should,” Jim replied, his tone insinuating that he wasn’t actually going to do so. His eyes were already closed and his cheek rested against his bondmate’s head. Spock felt affection bubble up inside him and lowered the temperature himself with a vocal command. Soon the two were resting comfortably next to each other, Spock crooked against Jim’s warm body and Jim fully calm and at ease for the first real time in days. Slow, blissful minutes passed, and Spock’s keen mind heard the clear thought emanating from Jim’s side of the bond, expressing an opinion Spock had been contemplating moments before.

Damn, I missed this.

Smiling inwardly to himself, Spock replied. As did I.

Jim jerked in surprise next to him. “I can hear you!” he exclaimed.

Spock tilted his head in order to look at him, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “In case you have forgotten, we are fully bonded now.”

The anticipated “oh” goes unspoken as Jim leaned back against his pillow, a sense of obvious joy coursing through him. Spock did not say anything further, instead lifting himself up and pressing a row of kisses along Jim’s jaw. It only took seconds before Jim was reciprocating, pulling Spock on top of him and kissing him earnestly. Jim’s thoughts were a jumble of happiness and ecstasy, and beneath it all Spock could hear a quiet sentiment involving the empress of Dramiir - something involving a note of thanks and a large basket of sorts? - that he can’t help but agree with.

“So, how’d I do?” Jim asked after a few minutes of gentle foreplay. “Was I a passable Vulcan?”

Spock pulled away, looking as if he was pondering over a particularly challenging equation. His eyebrow rose again in question.

“…Are you attempting to deliver a facetious, laughter-evoking remark known as a ‘joke’?”

Jim laughed, the sound ringing pleasantly in Spock’s ears. “A simple ‘no’ would have been sufficient, Spock, thank you.” He settled back into the bed, absently running his fingers through Spock’s mussed hair. “It’s okay, though, I don’t think I’m cut out for the Vulcan lifestyle anyway. All that ‘emotional control’ business? Totally not my style.”

“I agree completely.”

Spock reflexively jerked when Jim prodded him in the ribs, squirming even more as his mate attempted to tickle him. Jim rolled to the side, taking Spock with him, and they lay facing each other. The human’s eyes narrowed slightly as if in contemplation before he reached out and cupped Spock’s face in his hand.

“Was the sex good at any rate?” he asked, gently stroking at Spock’s skin with a thumb.

Spock knew that Jim could read his open thoughts freely at this point, and thus knew his true feelings on the topic. He could easily say “yes” to confirm Jim’s findings; however, he enjoyed hearing the human’s laughter, so instead Spock said, “You did have a tendency for aggression, particularly during any of the times I expressed a desire for free movement.” Jim chuckled, more than a little embarrassed. “However, your general possessiveness was rather… endearing.”

Jim snorted lightly. “If I remember correctly, you weren’t half bad yourself.”

“Really, Jim, my modesty.” He spoke evenly, but Spock knew that he himself was flushing based on the sly smile Jim gave him.

“Seriously, though, you’re gonna have all the chances in the world now to get back at me.”

“…I do not believe I follow.”

“Well, you’re stronger than me again,” Jim elaborated, propping himself up on an elbow. “Wouldn’t you want to put that big, bad Vulcan strength to some use?”

Spock’s eyes widened marginally. “You wish me to physically overpower you?”

“Well, I…” Jim suddenly looked unsure of himself. “I mean, if you wanted. You don’t have to. I just thought we could start trying new things; you know, experiment. But I understand if it’s too early…”

Jim’s mind retreated in on itself, and Spock was quick to wrap it in reassurance. He contemplated his mate’s suggestion. It was true: now that they were fully bonded and arguably much more comfortable together on a physical level, they had time and room to “experiment,” as Jim had put it. Spock found he was quite comfortable with the idea of more intercourse in the near future, but as for dominating Jim… he didn’t know just how he considered the idea. If it pleased Jim, however…

“I suppose I would not be adverse to… experimenting with new methods of copulation…” Spock said slowly. The unspoken “however” hung between them.

“What?” Jim prompted, sensing Spock’s apprehension. Slowly, he seemed to figure it out himself, and a careful, knowing smile crept onto his face. “You like being on the bottom?”

Spock hid his face against Jim’s neck, his voice rather small. “The experience is… quite pleasurable.”

“Then we’ll stick to it,” Jim said with finality, tucking an arm around Spock’s back. “I’m happy either way.”

A comfortable silence settled over them. Spock shifted down in order to lay his head against Jim’s chest, seeking out the now slow, comforting beat of his heart. Jim secured his hold on the half-Vulcan, letting a hand move up to trace along a pointed ear. They remained like that for a long while, simply laying together and dozing and losing track of time.

After a lengthy, comfortable period, Jim took in a breath and sighed deeply.

“Well…” he said with an air of reluctance, “I suppose we should let everyone know we’re not dead.” He removed an arm from Spock, moving to lie more on his back. “…Shit, we’re gonna have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I believe Doctor McCoy is in possession of most of the facts involving this instance,” Spock said, stretching minutely. “Also, I am certain he can view and monitor our life signs from sickbay; he can inform the crew that we are not deceased.”

Jim didn’t appear too reassured. “Everyone’s gonna know now, huh? What really happened?”

“Not likely, as the only individual I provided with a full explanation was Doctor McCoy. I do not believe he will break what he most likely considers impromptu doctor-patient confidentiality. If any members of the crew wish to know the events that have transpired, they will have to approach you or myself.”

“…I won’t tell anyone, Spock. I know how personal this is for you.” Jim’s voice was soft and unusually delicate.

“I…” Spock’s gaze flickered to Jim’s, softening considerably. “Thank you, Jim.”

The human smiled, leaning forward for a kiss. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up.” He stood tiredly, reaching hands out to Spock as the half-Vulcan moved to rise. Spock winced as he sat up completely, unable to stop the choked gasp at the sharp throb in his back and thighs.

Jim was at his side immediately. “Spock?”

“I… do not believe I wish to move,” Spock admitted slowly, feeling a flush overcoming his cheeks. “Not at an accelerated pace, in this instance.”

Jim breathed a laugh, albeit while looking a bit guilty. “It’s okay, Spock. I’ll help you.” He vigilantly helped his bondmate move until he was carefully standing beside him. “We can probably afford to take another day or so off. Bones is probably gonna give us both earfuls regardless; I can feel it.”


They made their way slowly to the bathroom, Jim aiding Spock along the way. As the two neared the doorway Jim slowed to a stop, holding Spock’s arm in a gentle grip.

“Spock,” he said, voice resonating contemplation. “This Pon Farr… are you going to go through the same thing someday?”

Spock stilled, feeling the genuine curiosity drifting over from Jim’s mind. He could not discern his mate’s exact thoughts on the question, however; but nevertheless, he refused to lie to him.

“I do not know, Jim,” he answered honestly.

“If you did…” the human said neutrally, then stops. He seemed to think over his words and started again. “If you do, do you think it will be like this?”

Spock then understood exactly what Jim was asking. He looked away, letting his mind drift over everything he had learned within the past week. This openness that now hovered between them - this new level of oneness he and Jim now shared - would only serve to strengthen over time. It was a beautiful thought, one that Spock would not allow to dissipate under any circumstances.

The idea that they may possibly be able to indulge in this strengthened connection again one day was a welcome one.

“Yes, Jim,” Spock answered without hesitancy. “I do believe so, without doubt.”

Jim smiled, stepping closer. “Well then,” he said, tracing a hand over his lover’s chest, voice imbued with gentle optimism, “maybe we’ll get lucky.”

“…I very much hope so,” Spock agreed in a sincere whisper, and leaned in for kiss.

star trek, fanfiction

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