Dec 14, 2009 18:00

I have them.

Three of them I finished today, though, so I only have two more dispersed throughout the rest of the week. One's tomorrow morning and the last one's Friday afternoon. So at least I get some decent downtime in between. :D

...I still need to sign up for next semester's classes though. Crap. (I'm such a lazy butt. Ferseriously.)

Heeeee, I'm participating in ontd_startrek's first annual Secret Santa gift exchange. It's so exciting! :D I sent off my gift a couple weeks ago and it made it to my giftee's doorstep around Thursday of last week. I can't wait to get mine in the mail now. Woo! *twitches with excitement* I really love giving gifts. <3

I'm participating in the Secret Santa gift exchange at my workplace, too, although that's a little less exciting. XD Hehe. I'm not sure what to get my coworker; the list of her likes and dislikes were kind of minimal. Then again, it's only a $10 limit, so I could probably just buy her whatever and she'd probably like it. Still, I'll try and keep a sharp eye out.

SO glad the semester's finally over. Plus the run of "Oliver!" is winding down, too; only one more weekend of shows. Now I'll have time to do... whatever else it is that I do when I'm not busy. XD;; What does that feel like again? Hmm...

Gonna go watch "Plato's Stepchildren." That episode's the SHIT. ...Really, really weird shit.
But with Star Trek, when is it ever really not? 8D

star trek, work, school, theatre, exam

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