I apparently cannot remember to post new stuff to save my life.

Nov 13, 2009 16:49

Because it's been forEVER, hasn't it? (Or, like... three weeks? Four? I dunno.)

I just don't know what to write about. XD School and work at the office are eating my life at the moment, and I'm busy as music director for the production of Oliver! at FRT coming up. (We open on the 27th!) ...Oh wait, there's something. Duh-hur.

The band's pretty much all organized for the show. In addition to piano, we've got horn, trombone, clarinet, oboe, and bassoon. Used to have a percussionist, but he had to back out due to schedule conflicts; I'm looking at another possible person to take his place, but he hasn't returned my call yet. Oh well. If we don't get a percussionist, the world won't end. I think we sound find without one.

UGH, I have homework to speed-through this weekend. DX I totally could have done it all week, but nooooo... Meh. It's really only two projects that need doing, so if I work off one tonight and leave the other one for tomorrow, it should turn out fine. (Yay, procrastination? XD;; Ehehe.)

Got over a slight fever I had last night. It came on sort of randomly; I just sort of work up with a stuffed nose and throat and a pretty big headache yesterday morning, and it kept up for the rest of the day. It wasn't until after I got home from work that my mom insisted on taking my temperature (which was apparently around 100-degrees). My sister made tea for me and made me take some Advil before I went off to rehearsal. ...Now I realize why I don't mind being a little sick when it does happen: I feel so loved during those few days. <3 (Not that we don't already take care of each other, my family and I; it just seems to really hit home when one of us is out of it.)

Anyway, the headache's mostly gone today. It doesn't spin when I stand up anymore, but I can still feel it there in the back of my head. Mom wants me to take it easy the rest of the day even though I have rehearsal tonight, so I guess I'll just... I dunno, zone out for a couple hours until then. XD Woo!

Annnnnd that's my life. Yay. <3

...Oh yeah, and STAR TREK COMES OUT ON DVD TUESDAY, YAAAAAY. 8D I preordered that sucker, like, two months ago. ...And the "art of the movie" book, too. X3 I CAN'T HELP IT, I'M AN ARTISTIC NERD.

I need to post Halloween pics too, don't I? >_>;; Damn, I'm forgetting everything nowadays. Next post, then!

star trek, school, theatre, weekend, nerdness

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