...Hey! It's the guy! o_o

Feb 26, 2009 23:17

...And he's back for MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!


...GET 'IM!

Oh my GOD, Invader Zim has infested my mind once again. XD

Ah... it's back. Hee!

I too, as DAS-chan so eloquently put it, am a "huge geek" and "love the fucknuggets out of memes." :3 However, I only have two new versions of the Association Meme (whereas DAS-chan had, like... a bajillion). SO HERES THEYS COMES. ...SSSS. 8D

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

From shadownitewolf.

Gundam Wing (duh!) - "Duh" indeed. XD Gundam Wing was the first anime series I ever watched, and it has been (and remains to be) my favorite anime EVAR. It's kinda funny, since I never saw the series in order. xD;; I apparently missed it while it was airing on Cartoon Network, so I bought the videos instead. ...In random order. XD But pfft, whatever. I enjoyed the hell out of it. I still do! I have yet to find another series that has made me its bitch as much as Gundam Wing has. SRSLY. Ask me almost anything about anything from the show, and I can pretty much guarantee you a foolproof answer. (...Well, maybe not entirely foolproof, depending on the question. I don't think THAT highly of myself. XD) NERRRD.

drawing - I likes to draw. When I have the time and energy for it, anyway. There are times when I'm so embarrassingly lazy, it's not even FUNNY. In any case, when I do sit down and draw something (even if it's only a sketch), I really enjoy it. They don't even have to be anything that meaningful: sometimes I'll just draw a random animal or something that's on my mind. If I like the way it looks, I'll draw it. ...I actually tend to sketch more than draw huge projects. And most of those sketches are made for a huge project that I eventually want to work on. xD They're mostly reference drawings and the like, and they're piled in a drawer in my closet somewhere. I really should fish them out and scan them or something.

flamingoes ('cause of the two you own XD) - Yesh, I has two flamingoes at home. X3 (They're stuffed toys, of course; my friend Wes got them for me as Christmas gifts one year.) Flamingoes are another of my personal favorites out of bird species; they're so cute! My OC Edward is actually a reincarnated flamingo. She used to live in a zoo, until she choked to death on a marshmallow carelessly tossed by a zoo patron. ...Yeah. XD Anywho, I also love their color (even though I know they're not really that pink in the wild; they just give them something that makes their color more vibrant in zoos). Yaaay, flamingoes. :3

8D-face - OH GOD, IT'S BACK. :O Run! Run for your liiiivesss...! ...Yes, Melanie, I use it a lot. XD But I guess it had to be mentioned TWICE, it was so epic a topic. Hm? HMM?? 8D
8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D

Cosplay - Eeeee, cosplay. <3 I got into it back in 2006 after I went to San Jose's Fanime Con that year. My first cosplay was that of Lady Une (Gundam Wing), and although it wasn't the best costume out there, it sure was fun to wear. After that, I just fell right into it! My friends and I have been going to Fanime Con ever since; it'll be my fourth consecutive year this time around. :D Each year I've worn a new cosplay, and hopefully I'll do the same this year. I'm renewing my Duo Maxwell cosplay (for this year's Gundam Universe gathering), and hopefully I'll come up with a second costume soon. Either way, I just love the dressing up! It's so much fun! (As is getting asked for pictures; I'm such a camera whore. Lol. X3)

From zephyr-love.

Duo (still don't really know who he is, LOL) - Ah, Charity, I think I'm feeling the exact same way you told me you felt when I associated you with the Joker. X3 What an honor, and thank you! *bow* Hehe, anyway. OMG DUO. 8D Duo Maxwell is my all-time favorite character of the Gundam Wing anime series. I am a complete nerd over him. *cough*OBSESSION*cough* In fact, when I was first buying the series on video, I tried to buy the ones that had episodes with Duo in them first. XD;; (Heck, my friend Migi even made me a life-size plush doll of Duo for Christmas one year. He sleeps in my bed with me. Hee! 8D) I really like Duo because he's such a complex character: in the show you see him mostly (but not always) from the surface (what he shows to others), while in some of the comics you can see the deeper, darker side of his character (i.e. his past, his values, etc.). I also do like him because he's sweet and funny and an all-around nice guy. Sure, he's got a past on him, but I don't think he's constantly using his "joker's mask" whenever we see him in the series; can't people believe that perhaps he really is genuinely happy sometimes? (Oops, almost went into a "character rant." Backing off, now. XD) So... ahem. YAY DUO. <3

anime - I likes mah animez. I'm not a total freak for everything anime, so I don't really consider myself a full-blown otaku; just an otaku for the series I really like. Still, I apparently like anime enough that I regularly read fanfiction, attend an anime convention annually, and draw the occasional fanart. X3 It's a weakness, but I can quit anytime. ...No, seriously. STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT. D:<

birds - My favorite animals in all of everything! :3 I can't really remember when I first started to love birds (I think it was sometime around middle school), but now I utterly adore them. I just think they're so beautiful. My favorite kind of birds are birds-of-prey, and my favorite bird of all is the harpy eagle. <3 As I've said before, I also like herons and flamingoes quite a bit, as well as other bird species. I like to draw them, too. *contented sigh* They're so cool.

Resident Evil 0 - Ahaaa, I like this game. XD This is the only Resident Evil game I've really played (I only played a bit of RE4), and I love it. I love the playable characters (and the fact that I get two controllable characters in general)... and the nice opportunities for spoofs, too. X3 I wrote a RE0 fanfic a couple years ago about Billy and Rebecca finding out where all the freshly-killed zombies go after you leave the room (ZOMBIE JANITOR. 8D), and I've drawn a couple pieces of RE0 art. ...I think. >_>;; Anyway, yeah. Great game!

Rammstein - I really like this band. Their music is oh-so-satisfying when I need a metal/rock fix. X3 I first heard them when I was in high school, and I liked their stuff. It didn't matter at the time that I couldn't understand what they were saying (and it still didn't really matter after I took two years of German); Rammstein's songs have good beats and rhythms and awesome melodies. They sound good, so I listen to them. (...Although, I suppose I DO take some satisfaction in being able to understand some of their lyrics when I'm listening to them now. XD;; Hehe. Ja, kann ich verstehen!)


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