Association Meme.

Feb 24, 2009 21:50

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Via silvremeralddas. (Surprise-surprise. XD)

music-geekery - Pretty much self-explanitory. XD Music is essentially my life: I've been playing piano for twelve years (thirteen in June) and I use that skill to make a living. I have a nice-paying job as a church pianist, and I'm kind of a part-time accompanist for the local theatre houses. I'm also planning on transfering to Humboldt State University in the fall so I can major in music and see what musical career I want to try for. Plus, I LOVE listening to music. SRSLY. If it's not on my stereo or in my headphones, it's playing in mah HEAD, baby. 8D I love all kinds of music (to the point that there really isn't any genre that I don't completely dislike; if it's got a good beat and a nice melody, chances are I'll like it to some degree). I also really love singing, and although it's been a few years since I last performed in front of an audience, I've been told that many people like my voice. (Which is nice to hear.) :3 ...I LIKES MAH MUZACK. <3

memes - HEE. X3 I am a meme-junky. I have a tendency to steal almost any meme/poll/whatever from silvremeralddas and stick it on my journal. (I get a few gems from zephyr-love as well. :3) I mean, I haven't done NEARLY enough as DAS-chan has... but I think I'm on my way. XD;; ...I think it's usually because insanely interesting things don't happen to me too often, so I fill up my entries with memes to keep stuff... happening? I guess? (I totally have no life. But it's koo. YOU AND YOU AND ME TOGETHER, CHARITY AND DAS-CHAN. 8D)

herons - "Have you hugged YOUR heron today?" 8D (My journal subtitle says it all.) I, ah... really like herons. Particularly because of Reyson, the heron prince from Fire Emblem 9/10. X3 (Heck, the entire look of my journal revolves around him. XD) He's made of so much awesome (and he's pretty to boot!) and is my favorite character of that particular FE universe. (Although Naesala is close behind. But that's another story. Heeee, ravens. <3) Mmm... yeah. I saw Reyson's heron form and squeed because EEE HIS HERON FORM IS SO CUTE AND PRETTEHFUL. 8D I mean, I already loved birds as animals but this gave me enough of an excuse to go to the high school and sketch the herons and egrets they have in their "hall of ornithology." XD;; So yes. Herons are one of my personal favorites among bird species. (Although the harpy eagle still reigns supreme!) <3

8D-face - Lol, I use this a lot. I guess. Do I? *counts* Heh, I've already used it four times in this entry. 8D (Oops, five. SORRY.) It's either that or "XD", ":3", or... I dunno, there's probably another one I use too. But yeah. 8D Hee. 8D 8D 8D 8D

SD-animals - As DAS-chan pointed out, I have quite a few chibi/SD (a.k.a. "super-deformed") animals in my gallery on DevART. XD A zombie bunny, a pirate-cat... thing, Kuroneko (from Trigun), annnd... probably some other stuff. I guess I tend to draw chibi things more than realistic-looking stuff. People, too; not just animals. What can I say? They're cute. X3

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT. 8D (SIX. Six times. That's it now, I promise. XD)

Any takers?


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