(no subject)

May 21, 2007 16:16

"What are you writing?"
"Abortions suck."
"Oh! Draw a vaccume."
"Abortions suck. Vaccumes suck. OHH! Draw a vaccume shoved up a girl's hoo-hoo sucking out the baby!"


I need to start watering my plants more. Any tips on how I can remember?
SHIT. Even my cactus looks bad.

I would like to have a garden. A huge garden. With all kinds of veggies. It's been my dream to cover the last level of my backyard with a garden for years. And flowers. I want all kinds of flowers and trees and plants and fruits and vegetables and earth. Seeds aren't that expensive. I think I'll buy some.

My tummy hurts. I wish I knew what's wrong with me. Maybe it's just stress. I get horrible anexity attacks when something stresses me out. According to Traci, it's because of the unknown. I don't like change? The end of the year is comming soon. I'm sure I'll be good as soon as summer's here.

Speaking of summer, it's MAY. In case San Diego didn't know that. Whats with the rainy, cold weather? It'd be pretty sweet to see some hot weather up in here. Not that I don't mind the cold weather, I love it. But seriously. I'm contradicitng myself. Don't listen to me.

I need new music. I'm completely sick of what I have.

You know what's really really funny? When people break their fingers two weeks before our end of the year spring concert. You know who I'm talking about.

I don't think I'll make my entries private anymore. Not like I write anything interesting.

I remember a year ago how scared I was to come to high school. Was I really that lame?

I had a whole little party at my house on Saturday. Coco, Billy, Brendan and Teresa came over. I was throughly surprised that my parents not only put up with us, but cooked for us and ENJOYED having them over. Shit, if I knew that they would allow this, I'd have friends over all the time. Apparentally, my house is "interesting." [Since when?]

So I have this huge list of to-do stuff that WILL NOT GET DONE. Most All of it relys on my father.
1. Get a new phone. Jesus. It's been what...6 months?
2. Get a home phone. Haven't had one since the beginning of the school year.
3. Go to the doctor about my foot. My dad can't comprehend that it kinda hurts to walk. It's been about two months.
4. Go to [NOT ALANS] Windsmith to get my flute checked out. According to my dad, unless my flute is bent in half, there is nothing wrong with it. He is not a musician.
5. Install a bigger harddrive on my computer. But I think I'll just make Matt, Galen or Efron do that for me.
6. Talk to Mesa College people and look into doing summer classes. But it's not entirely my daddy's fault. I need to see my counsler.
7. Talk to my counsler about AP stuff [to take or not to take. Shit, I'm lame.] 
7 1/2. Talk to my counsler about Mesa summer college stuff. Am I old enough?
8. Find out who my counsler is. Maybe this should go before 7 + 7 1/2.
9. Put up my beaded closet door things. Had them since Christmas.
10. Paint over my door white so I can do something that doesn't suck.
11. Go to art store to get more paint.

See? Huge list.

I like doing these huge enteries. I'm sure the only person who'll read this is Teresa.
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