Dec 10, 2005 18:16
As I said in the comments, you're a pussy for not identifying yourself. Second of all, you're not that anonymous if you're trying to tell me 2003 was better because I had someone. Who else would point that out but Will? Survey one. Your horrible punctuation also created great big flashing arrows pointing towards you.
2 years and you're still trying to find me? I'm so sorry for you. But again, like I said in the comments, I didn't lose anything I didn't want to. "Having someone" isn't what defines my life, and it never will be. I'm quite content being single, thankyouverymuch. In some ways 2005 was so much better than 2003. Not as great as 2004 was though. Newly single, away from the headaches, surrounded by great friends, and eventually there was London. But now I have a BA under my belt, a close group of fantastic friends, a family that loves me, and so many options open to me. I may be negative and down about my life at times because I haven't gotten to the point I want to be at yet, but I'm working my way there.
But at any rate, I suppose I'm just rising to the bait. *sigh* but I think I am going to change my sn and all that again. Ok end ranting...onto my weekend so far.
Friday I went to B&N to do my shopping. OMG it was packed! And I couldn't find one of the books I was looking for. But I got my 3 seasons of Charmed on DVD ;) After chilling in cafe reading "A Christmas Carol"... and "arguing" with Jay about why Locke sucks, I came home, threw some clothes in a bag, and trekked to Mel's house. We decided it was easier for me to stay there so we can leave early in the AM to go shopping (oh btw, early in the AM for us means 11am). I forgot, though, that their apartment is like the house of death by allergies to me. Between their cat and Alex's smoking it gets tough for me to breathe. Alex eventually got the hint when I left and stood outside while he smoked. I mean, honestly, if you have guests over do your smoking somewhere else!
So yeah, today we went shopping...and I'm still not done! I have to get my cousin Krissy something. I guess I'll email Jennifer to find out what she wants.
oh btw, Mevey, your gift might be late because I can't find the one thing I went searching for today.... and don't try talking me out of buying anything for you.