(no subject)

Jul 14, 2011 15:07


name: Joselle

age: 16

experience: Romania

e-mail: i_like_mooses@yahoo.com


nation: Northern Ireland
name: Donald Finn O'Farragher-Kirkland

nickname(s): Don or Donny

age: 27

date of birth: March 17th

hometown: Limerick, Ireland

occupation: Private Detective

residence: He has his own house in Shoreline

Mum - He loves his mum and will forever love her and call her and write letters and emails to her. End story.

Da - Although their relationship was strained at first, Donald did look up to his father. Sure, he hated that his papa went around and screwed a good number of ladies and left his mum crying rivers, but he cannot forget the times they had spent together when he was younger. He's jealous of the others siblings who were able to spend more time with his father.

Abby (Twin sister)- His darling sister AKA 'The reincarnation of a banshee'. There are times he is friendly with her, but there are times he can't stand her. He sometimes bosses her around... only to be bossed back at. She's the only one he really cares about, though.

Dewi (Younger half brother)- The lad he will always and forever use as his punching bag. Okay not literally but Donald loves to tease him in every way he can. Sometimes he forces him to listen to him and his rambling.

Arthur (Younger half brother)- He thinks this tan is a little bit of a stick in the mud. It's rather fun to scare him sometimes. He bugs him and freeloads from him whenever he can without much reason but to see him.

Peter (Younger half brother)- Cute kid. Will one day grow up to be a man. One day.

John, Johannah, Remy (Other half siblings) - He doesn't know them very much, to be honest. Heard about them during reunions but has not really met them formally yet.

first impression: "What a nice chap-----Jesus Christ he talks too fast. What's this about life and lemons----rue the day what?"

1. He's a comely fellow who dresses to impress; to give it a name, he likes to wear metrosexual styled clothing (he tries to convince others that it is not because of his sister). Don is often seen sporting a light colored blazer, usually with a brown or cream hue to it depending on the weather. Of course, he doesn't forget accessories that includes scarves, sunglasses, a nice watch, and his favorite old flat cap or a tam to make the ladies fawn over him--well, maybe not.

Oh well! As long as he looks pretty wherever he goes! Pretty in a manly way. Yep no pansies here.

2. Donald is really outgoing and will have no problem talking to strangers, so prepare to see him pop many personal bubbles. He gives off a friendly vibe but sometimes others may view him as a cocky person. Frankly, it is because Donald really likes to talk--and he mainly talks about himself... and how great he is. Yet he does favor his audience by talking about the most ridiculous of things at times and can humor them by going on a tangent with something else entirely unrelated (warning: his sense of humor is not spectacular). Although there are a handful of people who think he talks like a drunkard---the words that come out of Don's mouth are usually very unique.

He's dramatic and every hand gesture and facial expression plays a part in his stories. Donald just has a passion to talk, be sarcastic, and gossip (ocassionally trashing on other people) because he enjoys seeing enlightened individuals of his own making. Don enjoys receiving attention from others and may feel a little sour without getting enough. So, if you are ever unlucky enough to be unaware, be prepared to lose hours of your life by listening to him talk. It's all good fun!

3. He may seem like a nice guy to an acquaintance or any random guy on a street. However, the more a person gets to know him, the more apparent his horrible vices become. To be honest, Don is more of an arrogant asshole of sorts towards his Kirkland siblings (and others if they rub him the wrong way). He says he has accepted them as his kin, but that fact has never really clicked properly in his head. Don feels the need to bully them to exalt himself and keep the position of being the 'superior oldest brother'. He cares for them but in his own twisted little way.

4. He's a little reckless in his actions because he thinks his luck will always somehow bail him out. So far, he does have a history of being a lucky fellow. When he was a kid, he always thought he was lucky because he kissed the blarney stone in Ireland every Sunday for good luck (grandmama had told him to, actually). Thus, Donald thinks that he will be lucky FOREVER because God blesses those who are diligent and work hard (hey it wasn't easy waking up at 5 AM when if you are a kid).

The extent of his luckiness was being born with tritanopia, a mutation in the DNA that makes the person confuse the color blue for green and yellow for purple. The chances of getting this kind of color blindness for men and women is 0.01%. After learning this, he was thoroughly convinced that he is lady luck will always be on his side, whether he likes it or not. This is why he 'pushes his luck', or so to speak, whenever he gambles. He is sadly addicted to gambling because of his assertive personality. Therefore he always thinks that he will somehow get the better end of the stick. All of the time.

5. The boy does his mum proud by being an athletic lad. He's pretty darn fit and used to play rugby all day with his sis (because damn, a cheesed off sister is a very persuasive sister) and was also a High-school boxer. After an unhappy accident during his early twenties, he found golf to be just as fun as rugby. In addition, you don't get broken limbs from playing golf! He loves to play golf and will be more than happy to invite pals to bond over a good hole-in-one.

6. He's fascinated with ships. He took a field trip when he was a child  to the shipyard in Belfest where the famous Titanic was built. Ever since that day, he has been collecting ship models and old ship blueprints. He has paintings and photos of old ships and even owns a little speed boat! He prides himself with that ship he had earned himself through hours of hard work, of which he also had gingerly named 'Belisama'. Whenever he has the spare time, he drives out to the bay early in the morning to fish.

7. No one should doubt that Donald is a lady's man. Most of the time, he greets a woman genuinely and tries his best to please her, no matter who she is. It might look like flirting (most of the time the flirting is unintentional) but it's really more of a conversation to get the lady to smile. He doesn't think of 'those things' upon first sight. More of, he tries to be the dashing Prince Charming toward every lass. Yet he's a hopeless romantic because he's a little oblivious to romantic hints of all sorts from the opposite gender. He a bit weary about romantic intimicacy, though, and would be too afraid to touch or kiss a girl unless he is drunk. Alcohol is the only way that can boost his confidence levels.

For some reason, he thinks that 90% of the girls in the world are damsels in distress. However, he's a little... cautious around that 10% that consist of ladies who are not damsels in distress (namely his SIS and his all powerful mum). He tries his best to be composed around women who do not appreciate or are suspicious of his debonair. Those 'up-your-face' gals are the real scary ones.

8. He was born in Limerick, Ireland, but was a rowdy boy at a young age. During his teen years, he engaged in some unpleasantly dangerous activity. He was an accomplice to the murderer who had beaten a teacher to death due to the teacher's conflicting view with their religion. He recieved a hell of a lot of trouble with his family but he simply didn't care. Donald was sent to a penitentiary in Northern Ireland for a couple of years to be tamed. Those days were the troubling times--the darkest years of his life.

Jail riots, bullying, and the violence had plagued his memories and would sometimes wake him up in cold sweat. He did not leave that godforsaken place unscathed and had promised to not be part of any unjust violence. Don managed to mentally pick himself up the following years after his release as a new man thanks to the breath of religion and lived in Northern Ireland for high school and college. However, there is still anger and darkness in his soul that sometimes leads to suicidal thoughts. It's something he can't really shake off. There is a morbid side he tries very hard to conceal. Emotionally, he is still trapped in that prison.

9. During his penitentiary years, he was forced to live in fear and loneliness. He was, however, able to find a friend in reading. He had came to love books about Sherlock Holmes and books about the Chronicles of Narnia during these grim times. Don became imaginative and a bit more optimistic. He wanted to be a detective after his life in the penitentiary--to set out on an adventure like every dreaming boy wants to be a part of! That is the reason why he is a detective now. A crime fighter to accommodate for the crimes he had done as a teen. Nowadays, he rarely speaks of his job, though, for it would kill the purpose.

10. He hates filth and varments. First of all, both are unsanitary. Second of all, both can make a person sick. He can't stand bugs and vermin running up and around the house because he has this constant fear that those bugs would make him ill--or worse, deathly ill. Donald tries to be germ-free by washing his hands very often among other hygienic things. But of course, ladies like soft hands so he uses hand-lotion too. The one that can kill germs.

In this world, everything can kill you.

11. Don isn't as musically talented his sis, for he can only decently play the flute and occassionally the fiddle or the guitar. As a kid, he wasn't really interested in music or dancing until his ma pestered him into earning talents. He ended up joining a marching band and was forced to take tap dancing classes. Now, he can't do a thing without music and loves to show off his dancing when the time is appropriate or whenever he is drunk.

12. His pride is something that should never be shattered due to his hot temper. Donald is fine with losing over trivial things and would shrug it by thinking that he is the bigger man, but he cannot deal with losing over things he has developed the heart for. When it comes to disagreement over his religion or his own personal beliefs of what is right or wrong, he may be incredibly serious, spiteful, blatantly cynical, and sometimes physically aggressive (and he carries a goddamn shillelagh on his person all of the time in case anyone wants to fuck around with him).

If he were to ever feel like a sore loser one day, he would drink himself dry and go on like a sappy and gee-eyed git in the local tavern until someone sensible picks him up.

'Tis a good thing he tries to control his drinking habits on the norm.

13. Dirn't make fun of 'is accent. He don't got one. His English is perfectly fine. He'd probably make fun of your accent.

Donald would go hysterical without food... but it is a little more complex about that. He is dreadfully fearful of hunger and starvation. After his dreary life in the penitentiary, he has been paranoid about the slightest feeling of being hungry. If he were to go hungry without any food or water available within the area, a series of breakdowns would occur.

To overcome this, he must eat a snack ever two to three hours depending on his mood. He does eat a lot but it is more of little portions throughout the day so that he would not ever feel hungry. So it's natural to see him munching on a bag of potato chips--or 'crisps', as he would say it. All of the time. Wherever he goes. There is that same brand of potato chips: the Tayto. He only tells those he complete trusts about this bizarre habit.

So be ready for a munch munch munch munch noise whenever you are nearby.

writing sample

Don sat on a bench and basked in the shady warmth that was provided by a large ash tree. In his hands was a guitar that was tad out of tune. Carefully, he fiddled with the turning keys and strummed periodically after every turn to check on the pitch of the strings. He then heard barking noises that sounded from the distance that was growing louder by the second. While beaming, Don placed the guitar on the bench and then knelt down to greet his loyal companion that ran on all-fours.

"Hey Rover old buddy, old pal! How yeh doin', boy?" He chuckled loudly before lovingly rubbing the neck of his Irish Red and White Setter. "Yeh chased that squirrel all the way to the other side of the field, aren't that right?"

Rover, like any other dog, looked incredibly pleased to see his owner. He replied with a youthful bark.

"Atta boy! Now gimme an ear, Rover," He knelt down next to his pooch and then said, "Remember 'bout what I said 'fore ye ran off to chase that rodent?"

The dog continued to pant happily as he wagged his tail eagerly.

"Right! Thought yeh'd remember. I want yeh to bring me a vixen 'ere to this spot---preferably the ones without a bob followin' her." Don grinned and then took a seat on the bench before he grabbed the guitar. However, it appeared that his hound remained on its spot, staring at him with intensely dumbfounded eyes. Rubbing the back of his neck, Don added, "Aye, yeh probably don't remember the rest of the story. See this gizmo? I'm supposedta serenade to a a pretty lass. Make her fall in love with me n' live happily ever after... while cookin' me some scran every day. N' maybe bear some ankle-biters. How's that?"

Rover perked up and then ran around in circles ecstatically. After a couple of spins, the pooch turned around and ran off to God-knows-where. Don leaned back and then strummed his guitar while chuckling loudly. As if any gal would like to live with him happily ever after, or so he thought. When he thought his Rover wasn't going to come back any time soon, Don took a snooze by tipping his flat cap over his eyes. Suddenly, a commotion stirred him awake. There was laughing, giggling, and the sound of barking. "... Rover?" He called out sleepily as he adjusted his hat.

Right in front of him was his dog and four little children that looked around five to seven. Two girls and two boys were running around the dog, that sat earnestly in front of his owner as if it was waiting for a treat. Don blinked and then dropped his jaw after a sudden realization. "WHAT? Rover where in blue hell did these kids come from? Bloody hell---their mum is probably bleeding black and blue tryin' to find them." He stood up---and then he sat down.

Don stood up again... but then he sat down again.

He didn't know what to do.

However he did become a little freaked out that someone might think of him as a kidnapper or something mad like that.

All of the sudden, the youngest looking child started crying. And like a domino falling on another, the next one started to cry until all four blasted children were crying. At this point, he started freaking out even more. And then he freaked out even more. Sure he had tackled a robber once and even shot another guy in the leg, but he never had to deal with squealers.

'Calm down Donny you can deal with this' Don thought before he grabbed the guitar out of instinct--an instinct that didn't seem to make any sense at first, however. Then his dog began barking at him, as if he was trying to tell him something--oh! He propped the guitar on his lap, placed his fingers on the chords, and then began to strum the tune to the song 'The Wild Rover', which is, of course, Rover's favorite song.

And while the children quieted down to listen and clapped excitedly on cue, Don sang with a little more enthusiasm as Rover ran around doing silly dog things in the background. Shortly after, the mother found the children and warmly thanked Don for finding them (although he did absolutely nothing but it would have been rude to say so). It turned out that that mother had a very good looking daughter. He asked her mum's permission to have a cup of tea with her and spent the rest of the charming evening with her. It appeared that he was a lucky fellow indeed!


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