The Pirate's Secret Baby, coming in 2014

Nov 06, 2013 08:47

Some of you may recall this book title started as a joke. I kept saying my WIP had the working title of The Hot Pirate's Secret Baby, since I was trying to maximize my tropes: pirates, secret babies, hotness. However, as I got close to finishing it, I began to call the book by what I thought would be its actual publication name: The Pirate's Governess.

The universal response from my publisher on down was, "Booooorrrrinnggg! Stick with the original title."

"But it's a joke!" I'd say.

No one paid attention. Finally, I came to the realization that sometimes you have to give the public what it wants. So expect to see The Pirate's Secret Baby (my pirates being hot speaks for itself) in March, 2014. I thought about pushing the deadline to get it published before Boskone 51, but I'd rather have the book done right than done fast.

More on this as it develops, but here's a short blurb: "Experienced governess wanted: Must exhibit patience and skill in dealing with children, puppies, and pirates. Apply Capt. R. St. Armand, The Prodigal Son."

the pirate's secret baby, this writing life

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