After getting back from my eventful trip in Washington D.C., I have decided to apply to internships and job listings galore. Hopefully by the beginning of November I will have a steady job.
List combined from
Diamond and
Comiclist. (*) Indicates the comic books I’d purchase if I only had around $20.
October 20, 2010
Batman And Robin #15 (Frank Quitely Regular Cover), $2.99
Boys Highland Laddie #3 (Of 6)(Darick Robertson Regular Cover), $3.99
Brightest Day #12 (David Finch Regular Cover), $2.99
Chaos War #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Conan The Cimmerian #24, $2.99
Daredevil #511 (John Cassaday Regular Cover)(Shadowland Tie-In), $2.99
*DC Universe Legacies #6 (Of 10)(George Perez Regular Cover), $3.99
*Deadpool #28 (Dave Johnson Regular Cover), $2.99
Doctor Solar Man Of The Atom #3, $3.50
Fables #99, $2.99
Green Lantern Corps #53 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt Regular Cover)(Brightest Day Tie-In), $2.99
Guarding The Globe #2 (Of 6)(Ransom Getty and Fco Plascencia Regular Cover)(was \'Guardians Of The Globe\'), $3.50
Haunt #10, $2.99
Hulk #26 (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League Of America #50 (Ethan Van Sciver Gatefold Regular Cover), $4.99
*Legion Of Super-Heroes #6 (Yildiray Cinar & Wayne Faucher Regular Cover), $3.99
Power Girl #17, $2.99
*Sixth Gun #5, $3.99
*Spirit #7, $3.99
Supergirl #57, $2.99
Superman Batman #77, $2.99
Tiny Titans #33, $2.99
*Turf #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $2.99
Walking Dead #78, $2.99
X-Factor #210, $2.99
---Left over books from previous weeks needing to be purchased---
B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth New World #3 (of 5), $3.50
Casanova Luxuria #4, $3.99
House Of Mystery Halloween Annual #2, $4.99
Irredeemable #18 (Cover B), $3.99
Justice League Generation Lost #11 (Cliff Chiang Regular Cover)(Brightest Day Tie-In), $2.99
New Avengers #5 (Stuart Immonen Regular Cover), $3.99
Outsiders #33, $2.99
Thanos Imperative #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Thor The Mighty Avenger #5, $2.99
Titans #28 (Brightest Day Tie-In), $2.99
X-Men #4 (Adi Granov Regular Cover), $3.99
The Speeding Bullet Comics
Annual Monster Sale is going on this weekend which means I will have to purchase some really nice things.
“The whole point of a sacrifice is that you give up something you never really wanted in the first place. People are doing it around you all the time. They give up their careers, say - or their beliefs - or sex.”
John Osborne